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At polymorphic gene locus, the variance components of quantitative trait was described as follows:VA=2βp and VG=p′Xp-G2 in which p=column vector of polymorphic allele frequencies,β=row vector of2,X=[a2ij]i×i matrix,aij=genotype value,and G=population mean.


We proposed some combinatorial and separating edge method based on existing algorithm of the multistate complex systems and brought to light the objective rule of the complex from multistate to 2-state, the main working can be summarized as follows


And the main achievements of this thesis are listed as follows:1.Spectral characteristics of chirped phase-shifted fiber gratings are analyzed by the transfer matrix method combined with resonance theory.


The fry of black seabreamand giant sea perch with 4.0cm-8.5cm using the methods of dyeing, i.e., the fish immersed in the water solution containing comestible pigment, immersion in tetracycline, i.e., the fish immersed in the water solution containing tetracycline, and marking by spraying, i.e., the fish sprayed with fluorescent pigment spraying on the skin of fish, and double marking, i.e., the fish sprayed with fluorescent pigment spraying on the skin of fish after feed with tetracycline, and control group. The survival rates, mark retention rates and hydrology data were separately measured every three days for black sea bream and every two days for giant sea perch. The results were as follows.


This concern is explained in the commentary to Section, on page 11-44 of the specifications, as follows


Changes related to the case in the form of lease elements of common law and equity by the different provisions were as follows: common law, a seal of the lease can not be changed orally manner, but only through contractual means of achieving for this purpose; Equity Act, a contract can be a simple way to change the contract (the lease is concerned, need to be reflected in writing, that is written in the form of elements), the court may have to change to confirm its effectiveness.

涉及对本案租约进行变更的形式要件,普通法与衡平法所作的不同规定 6 表现为:普通法规定,一个加盖印章的租约是不能通过口头的方式加以变更的,而只能通过契约的方式达到此目的;衡平法规定,一个契约可以用简单的合同方式加以变更(就租约而言,需要以书面形式加以体现,即以书面形式为要件),法院可以对此变更确认其效力。

Using properties of zero-divisors, regular elements and subdirectly irreducible ring , we obtain some results on the commutativity of semi-prime ring and Jacobson semi-simple ring as follows 1 Let R be a semi-prime ring ,a∈R and 2a is not zero-divisor,If R satisfies one of the conditions in this paper , then R is commutative.

在某些特殊环的交换性方面取得了进一步的结果,并得到了一些新的结论,主要有一设R 为半质环,a∈R ,且2a 为非零因子,如果R 满足论文中八个条件之一,则可以证明环R 为交换环。

Obconica were always higher than that of P. vulgaris. In the experiments of medicament treatment Membership Function was introduced to have a comprehensive evaluation on heat-resistance of P. obconica and P. vulgaris under five levels of fixed temperature. The results were as follows: P. obconica 30℃: The compages of SA 150 mg·L~(-1 and CaCl_21500 mg·L~(-1 can increase plant"s heat-resistance observably. 32℃: Using SA only 200 mg·L~(-1 can increase plant"s heat-resistance observably.34℃: The compages of SA 50mg·L~(-1 and CaCl_21500 mg·L~(-1 can increase plant"s heat-resistance observably.36℃: The compages of SA 50 mg·L~(-1 and CaCl_22000 mg·L~(-1 can increase plant"s heat-resistance observably.38℃: The compages of SA 150 mg·L~(-1 and CaCl_21000 mg·L~(-1 can increase plants heat-resistance observably.

运用隶属函数法对经过药物处理的两种报春进行综合评价,得出五个温度条件下各处理间耐热性的强弱,四季报春:30℃:150 mg·L~(-1)的SA和1 500 mg·L~(-1)的CaCl_2的组合对于提高四季报春的耐热性最好,其次是100 mg·L~(-1)的SA和1000 mg·L~(-1)的CaCl_2的组合处理;32℃:单一施用200 mg·L~(-1)的SA达到了最好的效果,其次是施用100 mg·L~(-1)的SA和1500 mg·L~(-1)的CaCl_2的组合,效果最弱的是单一施用500 mg·L~(-1)的CaCl_2;34℃:混合施用50 mg·L~(-1)的SA和1500 mg·L~(-1)的CaCl_2对于提高四季报春的耐热性效果最好;36 ℃:混合施用50 mg·L~(-1)的SA和2000 mg·L~(-1)的CaCl_2对于四季报春耐热性的提高效果最好,而单一施用100 mg·L~(-1)的SA的效果最弱;38℃:150 mg·L~(-1)的SA和1000 mg·L~(-1)的CaCl_2混合施用能有效提高四季报春的耐热性。

The author investigated the community of grasshoppers in Changbai Mountain area during the period of July to September 2001, complementally collected specimen and systematically collected and measured environmental factors from July to October in the following year, and consulted to specimen collected by Fengling Zhang and Yanlong-yang in 1979, 1980 and 1981. By analyzing and classifying the data of five years, the author analyzed the community construction and ecological adaptability of the grasshoppers in the area. The main aspects dealing with the grasshoppers are as follows:(1)the community construction and faunal geographical elements;(2)characteristics of their ecological distribution;(3)vertical distribution of grasshoppers in the northern slop;(4)the relationship between environmental factors and differences in shape of grasshoppers in different vertical belt of northern slop, etc.


The main results of this paper are given as follows: In the first chapter , the concept of fuzzy filter is introduced. Some of its properties are investigated. The structure of fuzzy filters is discussed and it is proved that the set of all fuzzy filters of a residuated lattice is a distributive and complete lattice .


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The Night Will Go As Follows
The Night Will Go As Follows

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
