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In this paper, the factors that may cause crack breaking of concrete pavement of several built highways were analyzed systematically and thoroughly. From analysis to site experiments and calculation, it is believed that crack breaking is mainly caused by factors as follows: 1 、 Unqualified sedimentation and losing stabilization of the roadbedinduced crack in the early; 2、 Construction technology、 materials and incorrect treatment methodswere adopted;3 、 Crack breaking induced by thermal stress; 4、 Water cant circulate makes crack cause;With regard to the afore-mentioned problems, corresponding preventive measures, qualified control indices and site control approach are presented based on analysis theory and site experiments.

本文在全面系统地分析已建成的高速公路水泥混凝土路面产生的原因的基础上,通过现场试验及计算分析,确定了高速公路水泥混凝土路面裂缝的主要影响因素有以下几个方面: 1、路基的不均匀沉降、失稳是早期裂缝产生的主要因素; 2、施工工艺、材料问题及养护方法不当; 3、温度应力产生的裂缝; 4、排水不畅影响裂缝产生;针对上述问题,通过理论分析及现场数据提出相应的质量控制目标、现场控制方法。

We sometimes see a person who not only will bricklaying, welding will, that are "wild ways", the general's formal division of the decoration is as follows


It can be summarized as follows:(1) First, the Finite Element Model of the bridge crane modal is emulated in directed method according to the appropriate size of structure of it.


The design of the components of the system is briefly described as follows.


Result The immobilization conditions of bromelin were confirmed as follows: crosslinking with 0.4% glutaraldehyde at 38-44℃, pH 6.4, immobilization time of 4.5 h.

结果]确定菠萝蛋白酶固定化的条件为:0.4%戊二醛交联,温度38~44℃,pH值6.4,固定化时间4.5 h,最终产品的酶活为3900U/g,酶活回收率达80%。

The characteristics of bryological biodiversity as follows:(1) It consists of 36 bryophyte taxa in 19 genera and 11 families. Among them, 30 moss taxa in 15 genera and 8 families were founded while 6 liverwort taxa in 4 genera and 3 families were recorded.


We are under building up a new financing lease company. We are pleased to invite the experienced, qualified and professional persons to join us as follows.


Some new characters were first reported in this paper, these new characters were as follows: Sedum drymarioides was not annual but biennial plant; the shape and arrangement modes of the basal leaves and stem leaves were different; bulbil could be grown on the leaf axil; the anther was red.


Two specieses, Lycoris radiate and Lycoris aurea, were selected for the studying of artificial propagation in vitro. A few specieses of Lycoris, from the southeast area of China and part of locations in Japan, were chosen to research their karyotype differentiation and to measure their genetic diversity by ISSR analysis. The results could be summarized as follows.1. The vegetative propagation conditions of Lycoris aurea and L. radiate in vitro was studied by two-scaling. Different illuminate condition had an effect on the bulblet formation rate. To the species of L. radiate, the rate was higher in the state of 16h 800-12001x illumination than in the darkness. The medium also affected the new bulblet formating rate. When the culture was MS medium 0.2 mg/L NAA 4 mg/L 6-BA, the bulblet formationg rate of L. aurea was 220%;at the same time, when the medium was MS 0.2 mg/L NAA 2 mg/L 6-BA, the rate of L.

本研究选择西南部分地区及日本的几个石蒜品种,从细胞学和DNA分子角度,分析了它们的遗传多样性水平和遗传结构状况,对红花石蒜和忽地笑的离体繁殖技术进行了初步研究,得出如下结论: 1 进行了红花石蒜和黄花石蒜双鳞片快速繁殖条件的研究,结果表明:红花石蒜在16小时800-1200 lx光照下比黑暗条件下出芽率要高;黄花石蒜在MS NAA0.2mg/L 6-BA4mg/L下出芽率为220%,红花石蒜在MS NAA0.2mg/L 6-BA2mg/L下出芽率为108%;NAA比IBA有利于石蒜生根;硅藻土显著提高黄花石蒜双鳞片出芽率,活性炭起抑制作用;6%蔗糖浓度有利于红花石蒜小鳞茎增重,MS 6-BA4mg/L NAA0.5mg/L培养基有利于小鳞茎增殖,切割一刀比两刀有利于小鳞茎增殖。

The dry bulk modulus should be consistent with shear modulus as follows


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The Night Will Go As Follows
The Night Will Go As Follows

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
