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We should take action as follows: lawmaking link with judge-made law and insist on principia such as procedural justice, make a difference between close company and public company, equal protection and national treatment.


The optimum fermentation conditions at 37℃ are as follows: fermentation time 4h, inoculation amount 8%, proportion of carrot juice to milk 4:6, sugar amount added 9% and addition amount of sweet rice wine 10%. The final product of carrot koumiss has good quality, such as smooth taste, well coagulation state, no fat or whey release occurring, mild acidity and specific alcohol aroma (alcohol content 0.6%, V/V) Besides, 40% carrot juice could accelerate fermentation of Lactobacillus acidophilus.


The researchmethodology system is as follows:The variables that can be measured and have significance to stock relative intrinsic value are industry characteristic, profitability,development potential,qulity of earing and asset, the expandable potential of capital stock,the ability to pay off the debt,asset manging ability and the scale of the capital stock;(2)When the MFPM is established, the original variables should be disposed beforehand;(3)As for the research objects.we should value synthesizationly the achievement of the listed,and take the No.


The results are as follows:1. The indexes such as reading speed, reading efficiency, the number of fixation and multiple-line regression of 1/16 format texts are significantly better than those of 1/32 format texts.


Results The major shows of VACS were as follows:① Vertebral artery moved upwards as a winding or "S"-shaped arc,mainly within 4~6 vertebra.

结果 本病的主要超声表现有:①VA走行异常,呈弧形或&S&形弯曲,多见于颈 4~ 6段

Imamura (Ref. 1 , p. 346), a well-known seismologist, wrote as follows in 1937:" attacked with every resource at their command the various problems bearing on earthquake prediction, such as earth tiltings and earth pulsations, variation in the elements of terrestrial magnetism, variation in underground temperatures, variation in latitude, secular variation in topography, etc., but satisfactory results were not obtained".


Also, the relationship between these growth elements and yield was investigated. The results were as follows: Fertilization obviously increased the number of tillings, so increased the number of stems and ears of winter wheat per hectare as well.


On the basis of ecologic balance, developing the complex biological preparation as a goal, we first explored two compatibly antagonists to control the leaf disease of forest plant and hoped this two antagonistic fungi could play a cooperative role in controlling the pine needle blight. The main research results were as follows: 1 , The dual test showed the two antagonistic fungi(Gliocladiutm virens ,Bacillus firmus)had some differences to Pestalotia funerea in the inhibition mode. The role of G virens to the P.funerea, mainly displayed the competition in the nutrition and space, but the B. firmus had the distinct inhibition zone to the P.

本研究以生态平衡为理论基础,开发复合生物制剂为目标,首次将两种亲和拮抗菌用于森林植物叶部病害,以期两种复合拮抗菌在松属植物赤枯病防治中发挥协同作用,其主要研究结果如下: 1、对峙培养显示两种颉抗菌(Gliocladium virens、Bacillus firmus)对赤枯病菌的抗生方式有一些差异。G.virens对P.funerea的作用,主要表现为营养与空间上的竞争,无抑菌圈;而B.firmus对P.funerea有明显的抑菌圈(平均6mm),对峙培养4-5d后菌丝逐稀疏、干枯、变黄。

The main products are as follows: straighten cutter (diameter:Φ1.0-Φ9.0 mm), multi-functional precision governor can straighten cutter, the Chen Shui-bian straighten cutter, strip-precision gears for a deduction machine, Gear-precision sheet of the Chen Shui-bian deduction, a deduction of Gear,(D deduction / 1.30 deduction / belt deduction, etc.) for a deduction, S-hooks linked to a deduction, a deduction of computer-balanced machine, racks / Pants-steel deduction for a deduction, automatic racks hook Forming / rubbing teeth Siamese mix, automatic racks hook Roll Machine, automatic keychain combination of machines, semi-automatic hydraulic bending box machine, grinding needle chamfering machine ,(Car Aberdeen axis / linked to a) spend rubbing machine, Network Rail repair Machine, Hydraulic automatic machine Daquan (diameter Φ1.5 ~Φ10 mm)(Circle Drive:Φ25-Φ1000 mm) series, such as wire and machinery specialized for processing Zero, and accessories.


The types of latent virus pathogens in five principal apple culti- vats such as Starking/Golden Delicious/Qin Crown Apple/ Rails/Red Fujica in Shaanxi and Gansu Province were identified during 1984— 1985,whose results were as follows:these principal apple cultivars usually carried Apple Chlorotic Leaf Spot Virus,Apple Stem Pitting Virusand Apple Stem Grooving Virus.


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The Night Will Go As Follows
The Night Will Go As Follows

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
