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Group of finite element analysis was divided into 2 kinds(compact bone and cancellated bone ), 10, 50, 100, 200, 400 kinds of material attributes groups based on the gray value. All models were assigned with material attributes and tested in ansys for mechanics datas of nodes on surface of femoral neck. In group of biomechanical testing, twelve specimens of femoral superior segment were treated with compressed testing to harvest mechanics datas of measuring point same as that of group of finite element analysis. Results One-Way ANOVA showed as follows.


The results can be expressed as follows:(1) With the increase of water phase content, the amine salt aggregated orderly in different forms such as W/O micro-emulsion, nodus-knot catenulate aggregates, layer liquid crystal and O/W micro-emulsion.(2) In layer liquid crystal, SO〓 mainly combined with amine salt cation by two oxygen atoms in bridge.(3) In UV-VIS spectrum of layer L. C., there is an absorption about 500 nm and "light short circuit"appeared about 430 nm. These phenomena may be very important for measuring the distance between the layers of the L.


The primary studies on insecticidical and fungicidical components of endophytic fungus in Celastrus angulatus have been carried out from September, 2000 to June, 2002.The results are as follows: Taking PDA and Czapek as separating culture medium, 39 strains of endophytic fungus were separated from the bark, phloem and xylem of the root and twig of Celastrus angulatus.


Based on the morphological and physio-biochemical characteristics, combining with the phylogenetical analyses of 16S rDNA sequence, the EMs were identified as follows: stains CB〓 and FB〓 as Cellulomonas sp.

系统鉴定分析表明,筛选的CB〓和FB〓菌株属于纤维单胞菌属Cellulomonas sp。

Through logical observation, practice is analyzed into three links such as ought to, to do and to be, based on which, an approach to solute the Hume s problem is given as follows: the logical relationship between to be and ought to is chanceful and empirical instead of necessary and prior.


The main points were as follows:Influence of exogenous Fe3+, Fe2+ on LOX catalysis was studied as viewed from chemicobiology for the first time.


The research contents and main conclusions are as follows:1. The present thesis adopted one-dimension interior ballistic model, regarding the ballistic spatial core as the unsteady quasi one-dimension airflow containing the friction and heat exchange between airflow and tube wall, considering the boundary layer unsteady, nonstationary condensable current; and employed the MacCormack finite difference method to write the program.

本文的研究内容及结论主要体现在以下几个方面: 1、采用了一维内弹道模型,把弹后空间的核心流部分考虑为包含气流与身管管壁发生摩擦和热交换的不稳定准一维流,边界层考虑为不稳定、非定常可压缩流,用MacCormack有限差分方法求解,编制程序进行计算,较为准确的得到了复合材料身管固壁瞬态温度场分析内边界条件所需的气流温度和对流换热系数结果。

This work contributed essentially to optimal planning of refinery management. A strategy for solving the decision problem of short—term refinery planning is proposed, that is, to obtain the real time information of unit operations and environmental conditions by means of computer simulation, to dynamically configurate and modify the decision model depending on both simulation and expert reasoning, to make decision analysis and short—term production plan with the aid of expert simulation system. In this paper, a new approach cellad ESDSS was proposed by integrating DSS and expert simulation system . As a case study of ESDSS, a so called RESDSS was constructed, which is composed of seven subsystems, namely: data base subsystem, model base subsystem, method base subsystem, knowledge base subsystem, experiment base subsystem, human computer interaction subsystem, and expert simulation executing subsystem. The main results and contributions of this work are as follows:(1) A novel approach of DSS named ESDSS was proposed, which integrates DSS and ESS.

本文关于炼油生产专家仿真决策支持系统原型的研究从炼油企业优化生产管理的角度出发,以&利用仿真技术获取装置操作和环境条件的动态变化信息,依靠专家方法仿真实现决策模型的生成和修改,凭借专家仿真决策支持系统辅助高层领导者实施决策分析和制定短期生产计划&作为炼油生产短期计划决策问题的求解策略,在综合考虑决策支持系统(Decision Sup-port Systems,简称DSS)和专家仿真系统(Expert Simulation System,简称ESS)特点的同时把这两个系统结合在一起而提出&专家仿真决策支持系统(Ex-pert Simulation Decision Support System,简称ESDSS)&这一新的构思。

The principle is as follows: after incubating the standard sample of bacterial endotoxins, glycogen anti coagulation whole blood extracting from the healthy domestic rabbit, extralin anti congealable whole blood from healthy volunteers, THP 1 cells together, measure the releasing amount of TNF and IL 6 from cell gene by the method of ELISA as a endogenesis index judging the pro heat role of endotoxin.

其原理是:分别将细菌内毒素标准品与从健康家兔取出的肝素抗凝全血、健康自愿者提供的人肝素抗凝全血以及THP 1细胞共同孵育后,用ELISA双抗夹心法测定其产生的细胞因子TNF α和IL 6的释放量,作为内源性检测指标来判定内毒素的致热作用。

Developmentally, the rise and function of representations as relative neuronal activities may be hypothesized as follows.


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The Night Will Go As Follows
The Night Will Go As Follows

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
