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The genera formulas of these compounds are as follows:The strobilurin derivatives were synthesized from substitutedβ-keto esters (2) as starting material which were prepared from substituted ketones (1) and dimethyl carbonate. The ester (2) and methyl hydrazine or substituted amidine were dissolved in methanol and the mixture was heated to reflux to obtain the substituted 5-hydroxy-1H-pyrazole (3) or 4-hydroxy-pyrimidine (4). The title compounds were prepared by reacting the intermediates (3 and 4) with substituted halomethylphenyls which contain four active group under basic conditions.


Through researching the mechanism of biological nitrification and denitrification and actual project application of the technology and related literature materials, the obtained results are as follows:(1) Anoxybiosis is effective to the removal of COD; after the anoxic process, BOD/COD of the outflow increases, it shows that the degradation ability of wastewater is improved; anoxybiosis is insensitive when shock loading of inflow wastewater varies greatly;(2) It is demonstrated by the operation of inoculation and cultivating that biofilm takes two weeks to succeed in cultivating on packings and the removal ratios of NH3-N and COD get 50% and 70% respectively, when gas-water ratio is 6:1, HRT is 7.3 hour, water temperature is above 15°C;(3) It is demonstrated that gas-water ratio, hydraulic loading, HRT, temperature, pH etc are important factors which influence the removal effect of pollutants, when the gas-water ratio is 6:1, hydraulic loading is about 0.38kgNH3-N/m~3.d, water temperature ranges from 15°C to 27°C, pH ranges from 7.5 to 8.0, the BIOFOR removal effect of pollutants is the best;(4) The operation indicated that, this technology has strong ability of nitrification and denitrification; it has extremely vital significance for reducing the water body eutrophication;(5) It is confirmed the feasibility and the usability of preanoxic-BIOFOR process to treat L-lactic acid production wastewater. The experiment indicated that the treatment effect of this technology is very good and also shows that the technology has many advantages, such as small volume, high treatment efficiency, good effluent quality and strong endurance to load variation, this technology is a new and economical wastewater treatment process.


The earlier wording given by Strasser may be rendered as follows: An apodictic evidence, however, has the signal peculiarity that the certainty of the being of what is beheld in it discloses itself, to a critical reflection, as an absolute unimaginableness of the seen object's non-being and therefore of that object's being dubitable.


The results showed that sweet pepper from Guangdong province is the best candidate for extraction and the best extracting conditions are as follows: alcohol solution (95%) as menstruum, the ratio of powder and menstruum at 1:16g/ml and at the temperature of 50 ℃ for 3 h. The condensed umber oily product has high ASTA value (≥1000) and Hg element lower than 0.01 mg/kg.

辣椒红素是有一定辣味的粘性油状液体,在浓绸时为深红色,在浓度较低时为橙黄色到黄色,构成辣椒颜色的是类胡萝卜素,其中包括一部分胡萝卜素,但主要是叶黄素类的辣椒红素(Capsanthin,分子式C40H56O3)和辣椒玉红素(Cap sorubin,分子式C40 H56 O4)。

The paper is organized as follows. In chapter 2, we introduce some concepts about SEA, the abstract SEA model and the convergence definition of algorithm. In chapter 3, we describe firstly the evolution of PMA as an abstract stochastic process, and by characterizing axiomatically the properties of the fundamental selection and evolution operators, we conclude that PMA is essentially a kind of SEA.

本文结构安排如下:第二章介绍了模拟进化算法的一些基本概念、形式化随机过程描述以及收敛性定义;第三章对改进后的 PMA 各操作作了抽象定义,得到了 PMA 的形式化随机过程描述,并公理化地证明了各操作算子为选择或繁殖算子,从而得出 PMA本质上也是一种模拟进化算法;第四章先对选择算子特征数定义作了适当改进,并通过各进化算子的具体特征数指出,如果 PMA 不采取任何执行策略时,算法本身并不收敛。

In this thesis,the AM1,MNDO,MINDO/3(mainly AM1)and INDO/S-CI semiempirical MO methods were used toinvestigate the excited-state intramolecular protontransfer reactions of salicylic acid derivatives—salicylic acid,methyl salicylate,salicylaldehyde,o-hydroxyaceto-phenone,salicylamide and 3-hydroxy-picolinamide (6 conformers and 2-3 anion species);2-(2'-hydroxy-5' methylphenyl) benzotriazole(4 conformers),2-(2' hydroxyphenyl) benzimidazole (3 conformers and 3anion species),Bis-2,5-(2-benzoxazolyl)hydroquinone(3 conformers),2-(2'-hydroxyphenyl)benzothiazole(2conformers) and 7-azaindole dimer (2 conformers).Theinvestigations were described as follows.Geometry optimization,relative stability andhydrogen bonding energy First,for sylicylic acid derivative molecules,the AM1,MNDO and MINDO/3 methods were used toinvestigate ground-state geometry optimization,energies,relative stabilities and hydrogen-bondingenergies on the five kinds of the molecules(designing 6 conformers and 2-3 anion species).Comparing with experimental data,the optimizedgeometry,the order of stability,the hydrogen-bonding energies and the distances between O-O in O-H..O hydrogen bonds by AM1 method were in agreementwith the experimental data,however,the C-C bondlengths optimized by MNDO and MINDO/3 were longer,C-O and O-H bond lengths were shorter;for C-N bondlengths,the results opitimized by MNDO method werethe same as those by AM1 method,nevertheless the C-Nbond lengths given by MINDO/3 method were muchshorter.For some sylicylic acid derivatives(e.g.methyl salicylate,salicylamide),the order ofstabilities on the conformers given by MNDO andMINDO/3 methods were not in agreement with theexisting conformers deduced by experimental methods,and the hydrogen bonding energies calculated by MNDO.and MINDO/3 methods were smaller.Second,the studyon the other systems found that the optimizedgeometry of the proton-transfered product with INDOmethod could not be obtained,only could theoptimized geometry of reactant be obtained,and thecalculated hydrogen bonding energies were greater.Many results of calculation indicated that the studyon the excited-state intramolecular proton transferreaction system using AM1 method was suitable andreliable.


ABSTRACT The aim of the project is to prepare the high temperature superconducting thin films which can satisfy the need of future applications in the field of power transmission. By using biaxially textured Ni (001) and Ag (110) as substrates, the YBCO films with high critical current were obtained under the optimized deposition conditions. Some results were obtained as follows: We developed a simple approach to prepare YBCO films doped with Ag nanograins.


The tryptophan residues play important roles in DNA photoreactivation catalyzed by CPD photolyases. We have investigated the action mechanism concerning Trp in DNA photoreactivation, and obtained the results as follows: 1 We proposed a mechanism of photosensitized splitting of CPDs by Trp and Trp-containing peptides. 2 Quantum yields of splitting of the model compounds that a Trp linked covalently a CPD were obtained under 290 nm light in various solvents, these values changing with solvent, range from 0.01 to 0.5. 3 Utilizing pulse radiolysis technique, splitting processes were observed in aqueous solution of the CPDs with hydrated electron and some oxidative species (such as hydroxyl radical, bromic radical and azide radical), and obtained their rate constants. In the case of interaction between CPD and hydrated electron, splitting of the CPD anion, and pyrimidine anion transfer an electron to FAD or Rf, were observed. The process rate was slower one order more than that in photolyase. Minor, but highly mutagenic UV-light-induced lesions are (6-4) photoproducts, which are repaired by (6-4) photolyases. These enzymes, discovered in 1993, are not well characterized and their mechanism is still under investigation.


The main results are as follows:① The contents of the seven elements in both the mosses and the substrates are much higher than those normal condition;② Didymodon fallax has stronger capacity to accumulate the element Cd. It can be as the indicator of Cd;③ Comparing with the other 4 mosses, Bryum dichotomum possesses stronger enriching function for Cu, Zn, and Pb.


After all, the conclusion are as follows: the concept of one unified society is accepted by all nationalities in China as political concept; the concept of being loyal to the sovereign while honoring one\'s parents in confucianist culture is the political and social ethics of all nationalities in China; the nationalities in the area of Gansu, Ningxia and Qinghai are all up to the concept of being loyal to the sovereign while honoring one\'s parents though they are in religion belief for all, Tibet Buddhism or Islam; the nationalities in the area of Gansu, Ningxia and Qinghai are caesaropapism by degree but they all subordinate to the unified political system in China.


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The Night Will Go As Follows
The Night Will Go As Follows

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
