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Furthermore, based on Two-term local quadrat variance algorithm, a scale decomposing method is pointed out. This thesis also evaluates the question that whether we can apply scale decomposing results into gully ordering results for getting gully ordering system keeping the same scale characteristics results.The primary works and contributions of this thesis are summarized as follows:1. Three term local strip lacuanrity algorithm (3TLSL)This thesis shows that the gliding algorithm of Lacunarity has several shortcomings, such as it can only focus on the current analysis window, and is easily influenced by some local irregular values.

更多。本文进行的主要研究工作如下:1、流域沟谷网络多尺度分析模式与算法研究首先,为解决空隙度的滑动框算法只考虑当前窗口、易受局部异常值影响的缺陷,本文提出了顾及邻域空间关系的3阶局部条形窗口空隙度(Three-term Local Strip Lacuanrity,3TLSL)算法,并以模拟沟谷网络为例,对比分析了3TLSL算法与滑动框算法的结果,研究结果显示,3TLSL算法在分析结果的精确性、可靠性、有效性等方面均有明显的提高。

The cells were passaged no more than 5 generations,and the cell freezing density is about 3×106 cell/ml, sample numbers of each kind are between 30 and 60, conserved numbers are 150-180 ampules,biological characters of fibroblast were analysed according to the request of constructing cell line. The results were as follows: 1 Cultured cells'morpha is typical fibroblast,which is fusiformate or unregular triangle, cells is radiant,flaming or rotative during growing .Qingyuan flesh chicken's cytoplasmic tubercle is much more and shorter in contrast with Zang chicken and Langshan chicken,that can be regarded as different character from others.

细胞冻存代数在5 代以内,冻存密度为3×106个细胞/ml,每个品种的样本含量在30~60 个之间,保存管数达150~180 支,根据建系要求,对成纤维细胞的生物学性状进行分析,所得结果如下: 1 培养细胞形态为典型的成纤维状,为梭形或不规则三角形,细胞在生长时呈放射状、火焰状或旋涡状走形,清远麻鸡的细胞形态与藏鸡和狼山鸡相比,胞质向外伸出的突起较多,且较短。

The principles are as follows:①preliminary interpretation is carried out on crosswell seismic data in depth domain to establish an accurate velocity model;②sinc interpolating function is used in depth-time conversion to realize waveform fidelity;③the recognition of surface seismic data is utilized to ascertain the reflection characteristics of crosswell seismic data in time domain;④ good spatial continuity of surface seismic data is adopted to retrieve the "hopper" defect in crosswell seismic profiles and the deficiency of lateral contrast between crosswell seismic data;⑤in fine calibration of well-side traces of crosswells and surface seismic data, coincident time-depth relation is used to match two seismic data so as to make the calibration more reasonable;⑥in multi-crosswell seismic data inversion by sparse spike inversion method, lateral restraints are strengthened to ensure the continuity of inversed wave impedance profile.


The origin of this thesis is a task from Shanghai Education Committee, which is to study the human factors in "evaluation of the safety techonology in shipping". Target for research is the seaman. The basic train of thoughts is as follows: Basing on the three steps i.e. the identification of risks, the evaluation of the risks and the proposals as the references for making decision, in safety system and employing the basic theory about human factors, the thesis identifies the main representations of the seaman's errors, analyzes the various factors influencing seaman's actions, evaluates the reliability of the seamen in both quality and quantity ways, finally finds out the foundamental causes leading to the seaman's errors and therefore offers the corresponding prevention measures.


The innovations of this paper are as follows:First, the paper has realized to study on the dependence relations between random variables based on copulas, an instrument which is used in this paper as an innovation, in terms of determining the nature and quantification, resorting to the descriptions of dependence properties and association strength and, by way of which, broke through the limitation of study with only depending on independence and linear dependence.


The main achievements of this dissertation are as follows: Let W be a nonsingular matrix. 1. Problem I and Problem II are considered under the matrix set S is as the following: 1 the set of real W-symmetrizable matrices; 2 the set of real W-symmetrizable nonnegative definite matrices; 3 the set of real W-symmetrizable matrices on the linear manifold.


The optimal technical conditions were summed up as follows in zein extraction: addition of 75 % ethanol solution (ratio of solution and materials as 6:1), then 2 h lixiviation at 60 ℃, then centrifugal separation, and the recovery rate of zein achieved 67.37%.

实验确定了提取玉米醇溶蛋白的最佳工艺条件为:添加液料比为6:1的75 %乙醇溶液,在60 ℃浸提2 h后,离心分离,醇溶蛋白回收率为67.37 %。

Beings touching the Dawnstone (even with gloves or using a pole or weapon as a probe) are affected as follows: Worshipers of Lathander are healed of all wounds and their bodies purged of any diseases, poisons, foreign objects, afflictions (including lycanthropy, feeblemindedness, insanity, deafness, and blindness), and magical or psionic compulsions, fear, and curses; other beings of neutral good alignment are may also be so aided at Lathander's will.


Constant. Beings touching the Dawnstone (even with gloves or using a pole or weapon as a probe) are affected as follows: Worshipers of Lathander are healed of all wounds and their bodies purged of any diseases poisons foreign objects afflictions (including lycanthropy feeblemindedness insanity deafness and blindness) and magical or psionic compulsions fear and curses; other beings of neutral good alignment are may also be so aided at Lathander's will.


The main reason that can account for such disparity arc as follows: The non-English countries, due to some error in the macro economic policy have missed the opportunity to develop their new economy, failed to transform their industry in time as a result of the influence of the powerful interest groups, thus resulting in slow economic growth.


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The Night Will Go As Follows
The Night Will Go As Follows

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
