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In order to provide an scientific basis and technology support to local agricultural by–products export quarantine, an investigation was carried out on the species of stored insects of export agricultural by–products from 2003 to 2005 in the region. The quarantine significance of different stored insects and the insect community structure characteristics of five stored export products were analyzed, besides, a study was conducted on the ecology of Dermestes maculatus Degeer in the laboratory. The main results were as follows. 1. The ordinary and systematic measures were used to investigate stored insect species on export products, such as Willow, Brush, Feather, Leather, Woodwork, grain, coconut funicle, lotus leaf etc., in the finished product, transferring, material reserve and processing storages of the export industries.

为了给该地区农副产品的出口检疫提供科学依据和技术支持,笔者于2003-2005年对江苏沿江地区各类出口农副产品检疫场所的仓储昆虫种类进行了调查,分析了各种仓储昆虫的检疫重要性以及5类出口农副产品仓储昆虫的群落特征,并对重要仓储害虫白腹皮蠹的生态学特性进行了研究,现将结果总结如下: 1、2003-2005年通过对江苏沿江地区的草柳藤制品、笔刷制品、羽绒制品、皮革制品、木制品、粮饲库存点、椰壳纤维、荷叶加工厂等出口企业的成品储藏库、中转库、原料储备库、加工车间等检疫场所的昆虫种类进行了普查和系统调查,共采集标本1800余件,从中鉴定出130种仓储动物,隶属2纲、9目、51科,其中害虫6目、40科、105种,益虫5目、10科、25种;此外,还发现2中国新记录种,即阔鼻谷象Caulophilus oryzae和黑斑豆象Bruchus dentipes。

in this paper can be summarized as follows: 1 Based on the Zongshan Section of Gamba and the Chuangde Section of Gyangze in southern Tibet, three Upper Cretaceous units have been recognized as black, gray and red ones.

本论文主要得出了以下几点认识: 1由西藏南部晚白垩世的岗巴宗山剖面和江孜床得剖面可以识别出三套岩层:黑层段,灰层段和红层段。

The results showed as follows: 1 Extraction of gelsemium total alkaloids. Total alkaloids were extracted with 95 per cent ethanol. The extract rate was 0.519 per cent and the extract purity were 88.02 per cent and 87.38 per cent; Total alkaloids were extracted with chloroform .The extract rate was 0.416 per cent and the extract purity were 89.02 per cent and 94.52 per cent. 2 Isolation of gelsemium total alkaloids with TLC. Total alkaloids contained five or more alkaloids. The optimal developing agent was chloroform :methanol :ethyl acetate(9:l:0.3),the optimal eluent was methylene chloride:methanol(92:8). 3 Isolation of total alkaloids with column chromatography. Alkaloid A and alkaloid B were obtained, alkaloid B was identified as koumine.


The main results are as follows:We review the existing Monte Carlo control variates estimators of the price of Asian options and propose a new one. According to pratical needs, we define efficiency as the inverse of the product of the variance of an estimator and its computational time and make it a standard for comparisons to draw the following conclusions: Firstly, the more control variates correlate with arithmetic average Asian options, the larger is the efficiency of an estimator with these control variates, but among which the geometric average option plays the most important role; Secondly, an estimator with more control variates is better than one with less ones only when the time to maturity is long and the volatility is high.


This research's main intentions on the theoretic scale go as follows:(1)As theresponse to the updated researches with regard to social theories and environment,theauthor suggests that the relationship between environment and society not only has theuniversality,but also contains its particularities.


Unit 3 means of transportation by all means by means of by this/ that means by no means follow one's advice as follows in time and space have a new experience from get away from get out of get rid of instead of doing try to do sth try doing sth get close go for a hike watch out protect…from … in a few days' time as with go off see sb off be similar to say "Hi" to sb say sorry to sb.

a form of used to do on the other hand at least at most find out arrive at/in pick up 第三单元交通方式一定;务必通过…的方式通过这种/那种方式决不,一点也不听从某人的劝告如下在时空中在…中拥有新的经历离开;逃离从…中出来;逃避摆脱,除去而不是干某事尽力去做尝试去做接近…去远足,郊游注意;当心保护…使不受几天之后;离…还有好几天正如…一样走开;离去为某人送行和…相似向某人问候向某人道歉拒绝某事以…的形式过去常常另一方面最少;最多找出;弄清楚到达…接上下车;捡起 4 高一各单元重难点高一各 36。

Basesd on the precipitation difference in Tsaidam Basin of Qinghai Province, three sampling areas, including Geremu, Delinghan and Doulan, were selected, and then three sapmling plots in each sampling area were selected to study the characteristics of plant community which dominated by Ceratoides lateens, Nitraria tangutorum, Tamarix chinensis, Kalidium gracile, Haloxylon ammodendron and Salsola arbuscula respectively. At the same time, the morphological and physiological features of above-mentioned 6 species were measured for probing their drought tolerance. By using the subordinative function method, grey correlative degree analyse and no-weight index comprehensive evaluation method, their drought tolerance were compared as well. The results were showed as follows: The main xeric vegetation types in the desert steppe of Tsaidam Basin were Nitraria tangutorum community, Tamarix chinensis community, Haloxylon ammodendron community, Kalidium gracile+Salsola arbuscula community, Ceratoides lateens+ Haloxylon ammodendron+Kalidium gracile community.


Find level as follows: levelmeter cyclophos phamide check the precision of one of the gradienter-mounted on a flat surface, write down its reading (if the bubble in gradienter a-side, you should adjust the plane kept rotafiong, moved to gradienter which there is a range, does not necessarily have to be translated to the intermediate region), and then set the gradienter go 180??, hmyh and measuring one at a time, if the two measuring results is the same as or a very small error, you may think that the gradienter of accuracy to requirements should be carefully find the cause.


T he optimum technology parameters by using arabic gum as wall materials were as follows: the proportion of anthocyanins to wall materials was 3:197, emulsion concentration was 20%, inlet air and outlet air temperature were 180℃ and 70℃ respectively.


The main results are as follows:(1) The erupted filament shaped as a closed ring in Hα.


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The Night Will Go As Follows
The Night Will Go As Follows

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
