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The full text is as follows : Abstract Zhendong equipment maintenance group on the Hong Kong Container Terminal Zhendong Group affiliates (hereinafter referred to as "Zhendong Company") engineering technology an important subordinate of the team is to protect branches of production equipment efficient and safe operation of the key.


The main conclusions are as follows:(1) The core of the enterprise culture is a kind of concept about the values, and its essence is the administrant idea taking the man as the center, and contending that the development of the enterprise culture and the exertion of man function should be the main work of implementing management.


In this scheme, the description of unitary evolution and quantum measurement is unified and the quantum control operation is represented by probability state transition. The algorithm works as follows. At first a measurement is applied on the system. If the state after collapse is not the desired eigenstate, then system evolution will go on. After a period of time, the system is measured again. The process will go on like this until we get the desired eigenstate by measurement. Finally the system is driven to the target state with admissible control as before.


Main contributions and achievements are as follows:A general non-equilibrium rigorous model for RDP is developed in this thesis. Based on the pseudo-homogenous assumption, two main factors reaction and separation are de-coupled, and an RDP model with the same format as that for a traditional distillation process is established. To solve the model with a large number of algebraic equations, modified M-K equations with tri-diagonal matrix form are developed based on the improved Separation Efficiency Functions, which greatly increases the iteration efficiency. This thesis also develops a general reactive distillation dynamic model. Through splitting of the differential variables based on SEFS, large-scaled differential algebraic equations can be solved with the improved Gear's algorithm which makes the dynamic model suitable for the on-line application. A simulation platform for the control loop design and evaluation of RDP by introducing control system equations into the dynamic model is also developed.A lactic acid purification pilot-scale RDP is investigated.


Optimum extraction conditions were determined as follows, to blade, temperature 80℃, time 2 h, 80% EtOH as extracting solvent, the ratio of solid to liquid 1:10, extracting for three times, the extraction rate of total flavonoids 61.13%; to rhachis, temperature 80℃, time 1 h, 70% EtOH as extracting solvent, stock ratio 1:10, extracting for three times, the extraction rate of total flavonoids 71.71%.


In order to enhance the deterrent power of law against infringements and to guarantee that the legitimate rights and interests of patentees would not suffer from irreparable harm as well as to comply with the TRIPS Agreement, China, when amending the Patent Law for the second time in 2000, introduced Article 61 to regulate provisional measures, which provided as follows:"where a patentee or any interested party who can provide any reasonable evidence that his right is being infringed or that such infringement is imminent, and any delay in stopping the acts is likely to cause irreparable harm to his or its legitimate rights and interests, he or it may, before instituting legal proceedings, request the people's court to order the suspension of related acts and to provide property preservation".

为增强法律对侵权行为的震慑力,保证专利权人的合法权益不会遭受难以弥补的损害,也为遵守《TRIPS 协定》,中国在2000年第二次修改专利法时,引入了关于临时措施的第61条,该条规定:专利权人或者利害关系人有证据证明他人正在实施或者即将实施侵犯其专利权的行为,如不及时制止将会使其合法权益受到难以弥补的损害的,可以在起诉前向人民法院申请采取责令停止有关行为和财产保全的措施。

The details are specified as follows:1 Prediction of KGM chain structureUsing computing molecular structure software: Hyperchem7.0 VM2.0, methods of molecular dynamics and molecular mechanics and the model of single KGM chain , polymerization degree as well as the influence of substitution group on dynamics conformation and the interaction affecting chain conformation were researched.

主要研究内容与结果如下: 1。葡甘聚糖单链高级结构的预测利用Hyperchem7.0、VM2.0分子结构计算软件采用分子动力学和分子力学的方法,以真空中葡甘聚糖单链为研究模型,研究了聚合度、取代基对动态构象的影响及影响链构象的作用力。

The basic ideas of this strategy are as follows: To effectively safeguard the state's marine rights and interests, rationally develop and utilize marine resources, give positive protection to the marine eco-environment and realize the sustainable utilization of marine resources and the marine environment as well as the coordinated development of the work in this field.


The optimum technical conditions were obtained as follows: the experimental drift tube at a temperature of 90 ℃, mobile phase of acetonitrile∶ water=70∶30, flow rate as 1 mL/min, nitrogen flow rate as 2.0 L/min, and a good separation of glucose and xylose in the hydrolysate.

实验条件优化得出在漂移管温度为90 ℃,流动相为乙腈∶水(70∶30),流速为1 mL/min,氮气流速为2.0 L/min条件下,经Shodex Asahipak NH2P-50(4.6 m×250 mm,5 μm)色谱柱后,可以将水解液中的主要糖成分葡萄糖和木糖进行良好的分离。

P in Shule River Alluvial Fan Oasis in Gansu subsidized by CNSF. Through field geological and environmental observations and sampling, quartz OSL dating, organic carbon ~(14)C dating, as well as analysis of TOC,grain size and Pollen assemblage of the samples from ten sediment profiles in front fine grain sediment zone of the Shule River Fan, the results obtained as follows:(1)The vegetation evolution history on Shule River Alluvial Fan and circumjacent since about 13 ka B.P. could be divided into 6 phases: about 12.1-13.1ka, a sparse coniferous and broadleaf trees - shrub grassland, cold and wet climate; 9.2-12.1ka, shrub grassland, temperature rising but precipitation and humidity getting down; 5.8-9.2ka, sparse forest with the most flourish shrub grassland under the optimal climate; 4.3-5.8ka, coniferous and broadleaf mixed forests -shrub grassland, temperature rising slightly and getting dry; 4.3-2.8ka, grass vegetation and climate became more dry; 2.8-2.3ka, coniferous forests -shrub grassland, precipitation and temperature getting down, but a higher relative humidity.


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The Night Will Go As Follows
The Night Will Go As Follows

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
