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Conventional saving theory shows that deposit cannot convert to unfaltering invest because of the absence of protection. As a result, the economy growth is limited to a low level.


The simulation results demonstrate that the stator flux oriented vector control strategy is feasible and practical. As a result a method is provided to realize independent controls of active and reactive power for ACEM concretely.


If they did, you could be overlooking a valuable resource leading to vital statistics about them and their family members that exist as a result of their military service.


6 If, during the warranty period specified in Clause 14 and as a result of inspection by the Administration or otherwise, it is found that the quality or specifications of the Goods are not in conformity with the Contract or if the Goods are proven to be defective for any reason, including latent defects or the use of unsuitable materials, the Buyer shall promptly notify the Seller of the existence of a claim.


7 If, during the warranty period specified in GCC Clause 18 and as a result of inspection by the Administration or other organization, otherwise, it is found that the quality or specifications of the Goods are not in conformity with the Contract or if the Goods are proven to be defective for any reason, including latent defects or the use of unsuitable materials, the Purchaser shall promptly notify the Supplier of the existence of a claim.

8.7 如果在合同条款第18条规定的保证期内,根据检验检疫局或其他机构的检验结果,发现货物的质量或规格与合同要求不符,或货物被证实有缺陷,包括潜在的缺陷或使用不合适的材料,买方应及时向卖方提出索赔。

A dye recycled photosensitization system has been designed. As a result of studies in the mechanism of electron transfer reaction of xanthene iodonium salt, it is proposed that the dye-recycled process consists of three-step reactions during the photosensitization: The oxidative fading product of dye is formed through electron transfer under irradiation; In the presence of H-donor, product changes into acidic leuco dye product; Product undergoes deprotonization under action of base to regenerate initial dye.


According to the influence of each laser parameter on processing and the advantage that a laser can achieve high laser quality nearby the last threshold,AOM Q-switched Nd∶YAG pulsed laser is adopted for microdrilling. As a result,the 15μm microhole in 0.7mm-thick zincification plate steel is obtained,and the ratio of depth and width is over 50,100% drilling rate is acquired.


"I can say that as a result of the Russian-Chinese space sub-commission's work, our priority is a joint program on Moon exploration," Anatoly Perminov said.


In American inchoate development in the course western, as a result of policy oriented cause annihilative to land natural resources development to use, changed the structure of land ecosystem and function, make land natural resources sufferred serious destruction, cause the penalty that gives nature, since May 1934, what the United States happened to stun the world is a chain of " black storm " incident, the lesson is extremely deep.

在美国早期开发西部的历程中,由于政策的导向造成对土地资源毁灭性的开发利用,改变了土地生态系统的结构和功能,使土地资源遭到了严重的破坏,诱发出自然的惩罚,从 1934年 5月起,美国发生了震动世界的一连串&黑风暴&事件,教训极其深刻。

At the same time, the New York State Department of Health aired a separate, simultaneous statewide television-based antitobacco media campaign that also targeted New York City, with advertisements featuring graphic images of the effects of smoking and highlighting the effects of secondhand smoke on children. From January through December 2006, New York City adult smokers were exposed to nearly 11,000 GRPs as a result of both campaigns combined, equating to the average viewer in NYC seeing an advertisement approximately 110 times during the year.

同一时期,纽约州健康局则同步向全州收视户播出另一项反菸媒体运动,纽约市亦作为目标区域,它是以吸菸所造成之健康影响的图像,并强调二手菸对儿童的影响为内容的广告;2006年一整年,在两项运动总合的影响力下,纽约市成人瘾君子所接触到的反菸讯息有将近11,000 GRPs,相当於纽约市一般收视观众在一整年当中看同一则广告约110次。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
