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与 as a result that 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As for the suppliers as a result of dealers have begun to talk to the company Cuiyao money, he said:"That's been denigrating some people who want to destroy, we have no means."


As a result of this stand, the collective darkness that would manifest as World War III has been disbanded.


Dr Hammonds's conclusion is drawn from the huge body of documents disgorged by the tobacco industry as part of various legal settlements that have taken place in the past few years, mainly as a result of disputes with the authorities in the United States.


Dr Hammondss conclusion is drawn from the huge body of documents disgorged by the tobacco industry as part of various legal settlements that have taken place in the past few years, mainly as a result of disputes with the authorities in the United States.


Monroe discovered that the Earth was surrounded by several rings, or bands, that appeared deep grey or brown in color, and that these bands were occupied by discarnate or exteriorized entities who either still occupied physical bodies or who had recently left their bodies as a result of the death of the body.


The expert expresses, from look at present low carry on strength is strengthened somewhat, before bull resembles no longer one phase in that way " biff;burst;ulcerate;festers namely ", but as a result of global credit market constrictive aftereffect still remains estimate, add investor far to the confidence of financial system did not restore, future as before cannot too hopeful.


Adjusting entries: Entries made at the end of the accounting period for the purpose of recognizing revenue and expenses that are not properly measured as a result of journalizing transactions as they occur.


As a result, advisers who worry about a collapse sometimes end up constructing portfolios that are not all that different from those of other advisers who are more sanguine about the health of the financial system.


In this study, the author used a molecular marker SCW-37 that was specific for BYDV resistant gene Bdv2, and two molecular markers that were specific for powdery mildew resistant genes Pm13 and Pm21 to analyze 54 candidate plants. As a result, 1 plant pyramided Pm13+Pm21+ Bdv2 resistant genes, 1 plant pyramided Pm13+ Bdv2, 11 plants pyramided Pm21+ Bdvi, were selected for further breeding practice.


The results indicate that the free radical activity in kidney tissue increases significantly after exercise. As for dynamic changes of LPO, SOD and GSH-Px index based on four time tests, endurance exercise may increase the antioxidative enzyme activity in Kidney tissue, and as a result, it scavenges much more free radical resulting from exercise and enhances the ability for anti-free radical.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
