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与 as a man 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The nurse scarified the bald man so hard that his head was as red as a lobster.


Think of the human body as a humble house with man as its tenant. But the tenant usurps the house and then comes to believe all the functions of the house are his own!


In the prayer of primitive man God is envisaged as a higher being who hears and answers the requests of humans, though he is not generally understood as all-powerful and all-holy.


In the prayer of primitive man God is envisaged as a higher being who hears and answers the requests of humans, though he is not generally understood as all-powerful and all-holy.


From his first job as a bobbin boy at age thirteen to his status as the richest man in the world upon retirement, Carnegie was the embodiment of the American dream and the prototype of todays billionaire.


Obviously, Guo, as a young man then, was embarrassed and crag-fast in classes. With his pursuit for forms in his childhood, Guo conflicted with the requirements for colors as instructed by Mr. Chen Junde.


As the enormous campaign plays out below, you will observe both allied and enemy flights carrying outtheir daily missions. You can take your commanders hat off and jump in the cockpit of the BritishHurricane, Spitfire, German Messerschmitt, Stuka dive bomber, or man the gunstations of the Dornier Do17,Heinkel He111, and Ju-88 level bombers. As a pilot, all you need to do is destroy the enemy when you can


A man, who can see others' weak points as his own and regard others' success as his own, will alays be heartily respected.


Cinephiles remember him, rather unfairly, as the man who broke Erich von Stroheim over the length of one of their films. F. Scott Fitzgerald, who made him the sun-god hero of "The Last Tycoon", indelibly described him as foremost among the handful of men ("not half a dozen") who have ever been able to "keep the whole equation of motion pictures in their heads."


You shall judge a man by his foes as well as by his friends.


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Coming Back As A Man
A Portrait Of The Trequartista As A Young Man

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
