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与 as a man 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In contrast to this, picture "the enemy" as the man of ressentiment conceives him—and here precisely is his deed, his creation: he has conceived "the evil enemy,""the Evil One," and this in fact is his basic concept, from which he then evolves, as an afterthought and pendant, a "good one"—himself!


As the man had rough hands, I put him down as a farm worker.


Veranda above Cascade peaks, numerous rock formations, there are a huge, wide crown Yuanwang services such as coronal, round-shouldered old sit-wai, commonly known as "old man rock peak." In 1958,全国文联visit to the Tour, that is, to have赋诗Guo Chang Huai lyric.


No, Emmanuel, I am but a man, and your admiration is as unmerited as your words are sacrilegious.


Not when it comes from a man dressed as spiffy as you .


Victor: Not when it comes from a man dressed as spiffy as you .


Denise: Not when it comes from a man dressed as spiffy as you.


A man may as well expect to grow sponger by always eating as wiser by always reading .


I'm been in my movie business almost all my life. As an actor, director, producer, stunt coordinator, but I still consider myself as a stunt man.


As He is such a man as is ready to help others instead of his family.


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Coming Back As A Man
A Portrait Of The Trequartista As A Young Man

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
