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与 as a man 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a great man and Engels described as "respect for teachers is a powerful performance of a nation."


As far as career is concerned , he can be classified as a successful man.


As we all known, with the founding of Euclidean geometry in ancient Greece, with the development of analytic geometry and other kinds of geometries, with F.Kline" s Erlanger program in 1872 and the new developments of geometry in 20th century such as topology and so on, man has developed their understand of geometry. On the other hand, Euclid formed geometry as a deductive system by using axiomatic theory for the first time. The content and method of geometry have dramatically changed, but the geometry curriculum has not changed correspondingly until the first strike from Kline and Perry" s appealing.


A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is a transitional work in James Joyce's writings. With the originality of both its theme and modes, it has laid the foundation for Joyce's later writings as a modernist writer .


As a matter of fact, the Chinese people not only enjoy the lofty virtues depicted in a Chinese idiom as the great ocean is able to accommodate hundreds of rivers while the great man is able to accommodate thousands of different views but also understand modesty leads to greater progress. We welcome friendly criticism and constructive suggestions from anybody or any organization, but we Chinese will never allow any country or any people to viciously label us, even using insulting imputations. This is not a question of whether we have to tolerate, but a question of whether we need dignity.


And when fifty seasons ago "be employed" meant staying as a factory labweer or as a farmhor, the employee of nowadays is increasingly a middleclass man dawn a substantial tomal education, holding a professional or management job requiring inclarifyectual or technical skills.


Richard Jordan Gatling invented the Gatling gun after he noticed the majority of dead from the American Civil War died of illness, rather than gunshots. In 1877, he wrote:"It occurred to me that if I could invent a machine – a gun – which could by its rapidity of fire, enable one man to do as much battle duty as a hundred, that it would, to a large extent supersede the necessity of large armies, and consequently, exposure to battle and disease would be greatly diminished."

Richard Jordan Gatling理查德约旦格林在注意到美国内战中大多数的战亡是由伤病而非枪伤造成的后发明了格林机关枪。1877年,他写道&如果我能发明一种机械-一种枪-通过迅猛的火力,让一个士兵可以承担一百个士兵的战斗任务,那么,在很大程度上大量军队的必要性就会被取代,取而代之的则是战场上的暴露自身目标和死亡大大减少&。

The prophecy of Ezekiel did not indicate that Gog and Magog in collaboration with other nations fight a country to rule the world as a kingdom but rather fight a single county involving armies from other nations to just for a common cause as they did to Iraq while the United States which is Gog play the rule of a world police man and become more popular than Great Britain.


How this reactionary and deeply disturbed man came to be "the soul of Norway" is a fascinating story, explored by Ingar Sletten Kolloen, who used to be arts editor of Aftenposten, a Norwegian newspaper that regularly criticised Hamsun both as a writer and as a polemicist.

这个反动又狂放的人如何成为&挪威之魂&呢?在Ingar Sletten Kolloen看来,这故事着实迷人。Kolloen曾是挪威报纸《晚邮报》的艺术编辑,这份报纸通常将汉姆生评为作家和善辩者。

How this reactionary and deeply disturbed man came to be "the soul of Norway" is a fascinating story, explored by Ingar Sletten Kolloen, who used to be arts editor of Aftenposten, a Norwegian newspaper that regularly criticised Hamsun both as a writer and as a polemicist.

这样一个反动、扰乱民心的人怎么就成了&挪威的灵魂&了呢?Ingar Sletten Kolloen便探究了这其中的有趣故事。Kolloen女士曾任挪威报纸《晚邮报》的艺术编辑,报中常有文章把汉姆上置于作家以及辩论家的立场来批判评论。

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Coming Back As A Man
A Portrait Of The Trequartista As A Young Man

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
