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as a man相关的网络例句

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与 as a man 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Jataka tales are stories that the Buddha told about the many times he was reborn on Earth, sometimes as a prince or a poor man, sometimes as an animal or a fish, or a tree.

前言 Jakata tales 是佛陀述说自己前生的故事,他有时生为太子或穷人,有时就做动物或鱼,乃至一棵树。

Gaudi as we shall see, was not a pompous man, and his simplicity and character permeate his architecture, almost as if freeing architecture from the laws of physics and defying gravity itself; his style is often described as a blend of neo-Gothic and Art Nouveau, but it also has surrealist and cubist elements.


A man may as well open an oyster without a knife, as a lawyers mouth without a fee.


A person dreads fame as a pig being fat; a man dreads poverty as a woman being heavy.


The next Morning I began to consider of Means to put this Resolve in Execution, but I was at a great loss about my Tools; I had three large Axes and abundance of Hatchets,(for we carried the Hatchets for Traffick with the Indians) but with much chopping and cutting knotty hard Wood, they were all full of Notches and dull, and tho' I had a Grindstone, I could not turn it and grind my Tools too, this cost me as much Thought as a Statesman would have bestow'd upon a grand Point of Politicks, or a Judge upon the Life and Death of a Man.


Sometimes it was as long as a year; sometimes as short as twenty-four hours, but always we were interested in disc 癫痫 overing just how the doomed man chose to spend his last days or his last hours.


Thus our vanity, our self-love, furthers the worship of the genius, for it does not hurt only if we think of it as very remote from ourselves, as a miracle (even Goethe, who was without envy, called Shakespeare his star of the farthest height, recalling to us that line,"Die Sterne, die begehrt man nicht"—one does not covet the stars).9 But those insinuations of our vanity aside, the activity of the genius seems in no way fundamentally different from the activity of a mechanical inventor, a scholar of astronomy or history, a master tactician.


Simon, as a young boy, unintentionally caused an accident, which kills parents of a little girl Mimi. It impressed a huge sign on his mentality. They both meet 20 years later, as he is a railway man, and she is a successful businesswoman in the cosmetic company. Mimi does not remember neither her childhood nor the accident, while Simon feeling guilty for the accident and tormented by pangs of conscience was trying to find out something about her life for the past 20 years. At the beginning very reluctant to her admirer Mimi is being fascinated by Simon who helps her discover her past and her own personality

Simon,一个不到十岁的小男孩,在一次意外中,他杀死了小女孩 Mimi 的父母,这件事对他在精神上有着很大的影响,在他们二十岁的时候,他们相遇了,Simon 成为一名铁路工人,Mimi 在一家化妆品公司担任经理,Mimi 已经想不起在她少儿时代的任何事情,包括那次意外,Simon 觉得自己在这件事上有罪并且受到良心的谴责,他试图去寻找关于 Mimi 童年一些事情,Mimi 开始迷恋上 Simon,感谢他寻找出的她的过去…。

As a basic human right, freedom of speech is what a man should enjoy as a human being and for his existence, which shows the basis of human rights; freedom of speech means opening to different opinions and propositions, which is a measure and symbol of human rights and thus shows the leniency of human rights; freedom of speech should be respected by national public right forces and thus shows the state's obligation of human rights; freedom of speech should also extend to economy and shows its economic nature.


No, not he; though his face be better than any man's, yet his leg excels all men's; and for a hand, and a foot, and a body, though they be not to be talked on, yet they are past compare: he is not the flower of courtesy, but, I'll warrant him, as gentle as a lamb.


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Coming Back As A Man
A Portrait Of The Trequartista As A Young Man

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
