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与 as a man 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a lonely vagrant, mutineer and a guerillafighter living in the frontier of a society in the Victoria Age, she combated againstthe social and literary system all her life. In this fight with disparity in strength,sometimes she had a conscious frantic inclination, which could be explained as aresponse of survival in a society with overdue burden on her, and an outcome inrealizing her creative value in a traditionally man-dominated society.


The picture that emerges is of a far more subtle and prescient thinker than the man America's General Joseph Stilwell used to refer to as "peanut", and Britain's chief of staff, Field-Marshal Lord Alanbrooke, dismissed in Cairo as "a cross between a pine marten and a ferret".


How this reactionary and deeply disturbed man came to be "the soul of Norway" is a fascinating story, explored by Ingar Sletten Kolloen, who used to be arts editor of Aftenposten, a Norwegian newspaper that regularly criticised Hamsun both as a writer and as a polemicist.

这个反动又狂放的人如何成为"挪威之魂"呢?在Ingar Sletten Kolloen看来,这故事着实迷人。Kolloen曾是挪威报纸《晚邮报》的艺术编辑,这份报纸通常将汉姆生评为作家和善辩者。

TBS has ordered a pilot from Big Cattle Productions called "Imperfect Union," about a woman who takes over from her father as a switch factory shop steward, and a young man who has taken over as boss of the factory from his father.

TBS 定购了 Big Cattle 制片公司制作的名为《 Imperfect Union 》的试播片。

To milk my She-goats, and manage my little Flock, in the Wood; which as it was quite on the other Part of the Island, was quite out of Danger; for certain it is, that these Savage People who sometimes haunted this Island, never came with any Thoughts of finding any Thing here; and consequently never wandred off from the Coast; and I doubt not, but they might have been several Times on Shore, after my Apprehensions of them had made me cautious as well as before; and indeed, I look'd back with some Horror upon the Thoughts of what my Condition would have been, if I had chop'd upon them, and been discover'd before that, when naked and unarm'd, except with one Gun, and that loaden often only with small Shot, I walk'd every where peeping, and peeping about the Island, to see what I could get; what a Surprise should I have been in, if when I discover'd the Print of a Man's Foot, I had instead of that, seen fifteen or twenty Savages, and found them pursuing me, and by the Swiftness of their Running, no Possibility of my escaping them.


As a matter of law in the absence of any agreement to the contrary, the publication of the average statement settled nothing; it had no other legal effect than as an expression of opinion by a professional man as to what were the appropriate sums payable to one another by the various parties interested in ship and cargo; it was just not capable of giving rise to any fresh cause of action or of postponing the accrual of an existing cause of action for an unliquidated sum.


I had now swallowed my tea. I was mightily refreshed by the beverage; as much so as a giant with wine: it gave new tone to my unstrung nerves, and enabled me to address this penetrating young judge steadily.'Mr. Rivers,' I said, turning to him, and looking at him, as he looked at me, openly and without diffidence,'you and your sisters have done me a great service- the greatest man can do his fellow-being; you have rescued me, by your noble hospitality, from death.


He considers his whole life as a single act,as if he boards on a train that has no end.He paints with fine paints,sits on the chairs of the old generations.He grows from a utility man to a leading actor,migrates from Japan to China.He stops at each station,but no stops are endpoints for him.


The man's face went as white as a sheet as though he had seen a ghost.


A fair, of course, is a dangerous spot if a man is hoping to avoid acquisition, and the truth is I came close to acquiring a very pretty whiteface heifer, safe in calf-which would have proved easily as burdensome as a chip of wood gnawed by a beaver.


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Coming Back As A Man
A Portrait Of The Trequartista As A Young Man

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
