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as a man相关的网络例句

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与 as a man 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In terms of the mental state of sculptures, the expression on the face of a man is as simple and obsessed as an animal, whereas the animals are given man-like mental states and desires.


No, Em man uel, I am but a man , and your admiration is as unmerited as your words are sacrilegious.


But because his life as the promised Son of man is one of acting representatively for God on behalf of men as one who is also a man cf.


That this would justify the Conduct the Spaniards in all their Barbarities practis'd in America, and where they destroy'd Millions of these People, who however they were Idolaters and Barbarians, and had several bloody and barbarous Rites in their Customs, such as sacrificing human Bodies to their Idols, were yet, as to the Spaniards, very innocent People; and that the rooting them out of the Country, is spoken of with the utmost Abhorrence and Detestation, by even the Spaniards themselves, at this Time; and by all other Christian Nations of Europe, as a meer Butchery, a bloody and unnatural Piece of Cruelty, unjustifiable either to God or Man; and such, as for which the very Name of a Spaniard is reckon'd to be frightful and terrible to all People of Humanity, or of Christian Compassion: As if the Kingdom of Spain were particularly Eminent for the Product of a Race of Men, who were without Principles of Tenderness, or the common Bowels of Pity to the Miserable, which is reckon'd to be a Mark of generous Temper in the Mind.


In proof of this interpretation, examples are quoted from scripture, as:"The seven kine are seven years"(Genesis 41:26) or:"Sara and Agar are the two covenants"(Galatians 4:24), Waiving the question whether the verb "to be" of itself can ever be used as the "copula in a figurative relation" or express the "relation of identity in a metaphorical connection", which most logicians deny, the fundamental principles of logic firmly establish this truth, that all propositions may be divided into two great categories, of which the first and most comprehensive denominates a thing as it is in itself (eg "Man is a rational being"), whereas the second designates a thing according as it is used as a sign of something else (eg,"This picture is my father").

在证明这一点的解释,例如引述经文为:&七凯恩斯是七年&(创41:26 ),或者:&萨拉和琼脂是两个人权公约&(加拉太4时24分),免收问题是否动词&,以&的本身都不能被利用为& Copula的一种形象化的关系&或表述&的关系,身份,在一个隐喻性联系&,其中最logicians否认的,基本原则的逻辑,牢固树立了这个真理,即所有的主张,可分为两个大类,其中第一和最全面的denominates一件事情,因为这是在自己(如:&人是一种理性的&),而第二指定事据,因为它是用来作为标志的东西,别人(例如,&这张照片是我爸爸&)。

The rainy Season was in the mean Time upon me, when I kept more within Doors than at other Times; so I had stow'd our new Vessel as secure as we could, bringing her up into the Creek, where as I said, in the Beginning I landed my Rafts from the Ship, and haling her up to the Shore, at high Water mark, I made my Man Friday dig a little Dock, just big enough to hold her, and just deep enough to give her Water enough to fleet in; and then when the Tide was out, we made a strong Dam cross the End of it, to keep the Water out; and so she lay dry, as to the Tide from the Sea; and to keep the Rain off, we laid a great many Boughs of Trees, so thick, that she was as well thatch'd as a House; and thus we waited for the Month of November and December, in which I design'd to make my Adventure.


And the same measure may be allowed still without prejudice to any body, as full as the world seems: for supposing a man, or family, in the state they were at first peopling of the world by the children of Adam, or Noah; let him plant in some inland, vacant places of America, we shall find that the possessions he could make himself, upon the measures we have given, would not be very large, nor, even to this day, prejudice the rest of mankind, or give them reason to complain, or think themselves injured by this man's encroachment, though the race of men have now spread themselves to all the corners of the world, and do infinitely exceed the small number was at the beginning.


These could be the classical virtues — courage , temperance , justice , and wisdom — that promoted the Greek ideal of man as the "rational animal", or the theological virtues — faith , hope , and love — that distinguished the Christian ideal of man as a being created in the image of God.


Together with his friends,(such as Teela; her father, a man-at-arms; mysterious Orko and his mighty friend/horse substitute Battle Cat), He-Man battles the evil Skeletor and his minions for control of the world, and, more importantly, for the control, power and "honor of Greyskull," the mysterious castle from which He-Man derives his powers.


But these words should not be understood simplistically as a call for unfettered improvement of man's physical performances, but rather as urging man to surpass himself in the very essence of his very being.


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Coming Back As A Man
A Portrait Of The Trequartista As A Young Man

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
