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art deco相关的网络例句

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与 art deco 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I thought I'd go for a bit of a fusion between Art Deco and New Romantic.

我想我吧Art Deco 和新浪漫主义融合在了一起。

Art Deco style is a branch of modern architecture.

Art Deco的名称也由此而来。

Therefore Art Deco is not only a style, but also a taste, or a fashion.

因此,Art Deco不单是一种风格,而且是一种时尚和品位 Art Deco实质上是摩登时代的生活形态在建筑上的延续。

Where consumer goods were concerned, the mass consumption of Art Deco was, however, a piecemeal activity.


It is expatiated that the reasons of the birth of New Art Deco style and the application of New Art Deco style in modem design.


Both luxurious but not publicity, it is a continuation of Art Deco is a modern Western-style interpretation of luxury.

既奢华但又不张扬,它是 Art Deco 的延续,是对现代西方奢华风格的演绎。

From its rich and pure beginnings of early French Art Deco which focused on interior design, to its zigzag moderne zenith with highlight of American skyscraper, and later to its jazzy Streamline offshoots with futuristic appearance, Art Deco has come to be viewed as"the most exciting decorative style of the 20th century." The Exposition Internationale des Arts D〓coratifs et Industriels Modernes hold at Paris in 1925 is the milestone of the origin of Art Deco, and from which the style derives its name.

从诞生时的以室内设计为主的优雅而又奢华的早期法国装饰艺术,到后来以美国的摩登高层建筑为代表的"折线型摩登",以及后期以空气动力美学为特征的带有科幻色彩的流线型分支,Art Deco被人们视为"二十世纪最激动人心的装饰风格"。

Shibei Ambassy Club will distribute the distinguished atmosphere everywhere with Art Deco-style architecture and classic luxury interior furnishings.

Art Deco的建筑外表搭配经典奢华的内部陈设,市北鸿艺会处处散发着尊贵的气息。

During the inter-war years, Shanghai was known as the "Paris of the East", and was the most flourishing metropolis in the Far East, boasting not only the center of business, but also the paradise of the hedonists.

上世纪30年代,席卷世界的Art Deco风格的飓风登陆上海,这座新兴的东方都市以其飞速发展的自由经济和永无止境的消费热情呼应和张扬了Art Deco的精神与个性:摩登、时尚、激进、丰沛、勇往直前……那些蕴含着现代意识和自由精神的Art Deco建筑耸立在城市的各个角落,为上海这座城市投下了巨大的身影和永久的回响,并在上海人的心灵空间里,植入了现代主义自由勃发的激情。

The design aims to renovate the old town with nostalgia according to the Government's urban renewal program. The project site, which is the source region of Bao'an, is defined to be a new landmark of a boom town with romanticism. In Zone A, the natural water resource is introduced from inside the community, which is divided into the swimming pool are and the aquatic island with the central axis as the boundary, and thus to create 7 functional landscape nodes. The Neo-Art Deco style compromises the extravagance and complication of classic art as well as the simpleness and freedom of the metropolitan spirit, where exotic cultures can be accommodated with exquisite refinement of linear, annular and streamline patterns.

宝安发源地在都市重建计划下,一面是城市复兴,一面是怀旧情怀,项目定位为&打造宝安发源地的新兴城市新地标,定义都市浪漫生活情调&, A区源引自然的内部景观水系、以中轴为分界线,主要分为泳池景观区和水岛两个版块,形成七个功能性景观节点(一条主轴、两个景观中心,七个功能性景观节点),Neo-Art Deco风格的构想是将古典艺术的奢华繁复与都市精神的自由简单进行折衷,让异族文明相容,横生出线性、环形和流线型的细腻。

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About my path there flits a Fair


I felt like a kid in a candy shop, really.


W: I am sorry I have to say it was not en route.
