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与 arrival 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Popular history describes the introduction of football to the Tiwi Islands in the early 1930s but it wasn't until the arrival of Brother John Pye in the early 1940s that football became organised .

在30年代初期,历史教科书上就对 Tiwi 岛上的足球作过记载。但是,直到约翰-派伊兄弟来到这个岛上后,这里的足球运动才被组织起来。

It may even be that, like Viagra, society largely welcomes the arrival of a chemical that does, far better, what omega-3s, ginseng, vitamins and all the other quackery have failed to do.


We were intentionally cutting it close. The 30- to 35-minute ride to San Fernando would leave approximately a quarter-hour before the usual arrival of Attila's bus; not long enough for a disabled car to arouse suspicion.


The Quechua mark the arrival of the dry season by halting all work and celebrating with ritual fights , religious ceremonies , and meetings .


PVP has been in the career of Queen's Bench is now only 70 out of others to practice upon their arrival in the hands of the state.


And to a certain application, if interfacial demand is higher, not plan cost, that can use Flash/Flex actually Flex/OpenLaszlo also not likely doorsill has many low, not likely is familiar with JavaScript with respect to very can quick start I want Push information how to do to front Of Javascript activation again, besides be participated in on client end andhtml outside reviving, yi Zheng serves the development of end in your arrival.

而对于某个应用,如果界面要求比较高,又不计成本,那可以用Flash/Flex其实Flex/OpenLaszlo也不见得门槛有多低,不见得熟悉JavaScript就能很快上手我要push信息到前端怎么办 Javascript的再激活,除了在客户端上参与和html的复兴外,亦正在驾临服务端的开发。

My arrival, quiescently as if...


With the rapid development of information technology and the communication and arrival of the Internet time,the information superhighway will spread the each quoin of the world,and the humanity enters the information society.


The angle of arrival of a radio wave with respect to the axis of an antenna array .


The climate and terrain combined with an incessant presence of horse-borne nomads (Of which the inhabitants of Northern India can claim much ancestry from) has made it a necessity of the kingdoms that rose and fell in the region, and with the Arab arrival into Sindh much of the chivalric Arab's horsemanship was admired by the Chivalric Rajput.


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The Arrival Of The Fimbul Winter
The Arrival
Dead On Arrival
Dead On Arrival
Upon Arrival
The Arrival - There's So Much Energy In Us
The Arrival (Intro)
Dead On Arrival

This brought fixed cost, but it also is meant at the same time use a source to won't make you singlehanded assume a problem.


He gained a small fortune in real estate.


Well I do not accept second-place for the United States of America.
