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与 appropriated 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Withholding or delaying the expenditure of congressionally appropriated funds.


We provides appropriated processing service as following, profiled bar saw-cut, bent, punch, weld, derust, plates crosscut, slit, even packing productions and delivery, etc.


The development of the Bharatnatyam dance form has therefore been surrounded by controversy as some including Ashish Khokar the Indian dance historian have seen it as a means by which many women, often Brahmin women, have appropriated certain Devadasi traditions while disassociating themselves with other aspects of the contemporary devadasis' practices.


As Gayatri Spivak has claimed that "the subaltern cannot speak," because their voices will be appropriated by the first world scholars who think they can represent the subaltern people.


Secondly, there are bigger value at risk by Historical Simulation Method of risk-factors free, represented investitive net value are NT 10,000,000, maximum loss of 5﹪probability will greater than NT 2,816,827 or NT 2,344,946. So used considering VAR-Bootstrap of risk factors were more appropriated model, because model of considering risk factors were able to accurate estimate reality value at risk.


Therefore, as a conclusion, 3 loci were high polymorphism loci, all were appropriated for the study on genetic diversity. All the four populations have high genetic diversity, which accord with the fact that there was a large amount of Himalyan marmota and they located in many areas.


This could potentially include not just fraudulent contracts to Halliburton but nonfraudulent contracts in a fraudulent war and a war begun secretly with funds appropriated for other things.


Leo the Great (440-61), who first appropriated the old pagan title of pontifex maximus, intervened with his Tome at the Council of Chalcedon to establish orthodox Christology, told a recalcitrant archbishop that he merely "participated in" a "fullness of power" reserved to popes alone (this later to become an important principle in canon law), and provided in his letters and sermons a highly influential description of the Petrine office and its primacy, drawing in part upon principles found in Roman law.

利奥伟大( 440-61 ),谁第一拨旧异教的标题pontifex Maximus ,为干预他圣多美和普林西比在安理会的迦克墩设立东正教christology说,桀骜不驯的大主教说,他只是&参加了&,&丰满的权力&预留的教皇单(这后来成为一个重要的原则,在教会法),并提供了在他的信件和说教一个高度影响力的描述的petrine办公室和其至高无上,绘画,在部分原则后,发现在罗马法。

And under the circumstance of without personal burden to know students life, and helping those underprivileged students in an appropriated time.


He appropriated a great deal of the company's money.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
