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After some passionate Expressions of the old Acquaintance, I enquir'd, you may be sure, after my Plantation and my Partner: The old Man told me he had not been in the Brasils for about nine Years; but that he could assure me, that when he came away, my Partner was living, but the Trustees, who I had join'd with him to take Cognizance of my Part, were both dead; that however, he believ'd that I would have a very good Account of the Improvement of the Plantation; for that upon the general Belief of my being cast away, and drown'd, my Trustees had given in the Account of the Produce of my Part of the Plantation, to the Procurator Fiscal, who had appropriated it, in Case I never came to claim it; one Third to the King, and two Thirds to the Monastery of St.


The National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 appropriated $25 million to the Public Works Program of the Department of the Interior for the development of subsistence homesteads aimed "at a redistribution of population in the interest of providing greater economic stability and a higher standard of living for working men's families."

1933年《国家工业复苏法案》(The National Industrial Recovery Act)拨款24,000,000美元注入内政部公共设施建设工程,为生活家园发展助力,该工程目标是"通过为工作者家庭提供更稳定的经济条件和更优越的生活条件,来吸引人口重新分配"。

During the late Qing dynasty, owing to the invasion of the western imperialists, the Qing dynasty was forced to accept the notion of nation-state, and in order to reenforce the socail control under the circumstances that little social linkage existed between the upper and lower classes, the Qing government recognized and appropriated the cultural resources of the Beijing lower class--the belief in Pi-hsia Yuan-chun and the organizations of the pilgrims so as to control the folk society.


Sometimes the land is appropriated by the government and sold on to developers, with some of the money being used to rehouse the villagers who are reclassified as urban residents.


The annually appropriated Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund is only at 66 percent of its 2001 level.


Huatai Securities is the China Securities Regulatory Commission regulatory agencies of the first disclosure of customer transactions has not appropriated funds settlement, net capital of securities companies meet the requirements of the assessment by the China Securities Co., Ltd. integrity in accordance with international standards evaluation, credit ratings for Huatai Securities AA grade.


A claim against a State for assistance or salvage services rendered to a ship of war or other ship which is, either at the time of the event or when the claim is brought, appropriated exclusively to public non-commercial service, shall be brought only before the Courts of such State.


The Company appropriated funds for the benefit of the Sick and destitute of New Orleans, and Mobile, AL.


The experimental results verified that 10℃ was the appropriate storage temperature and appropriated maturity had preferable storage effect; while the varieties had a big difference on storage effect, in which "Zihua" snap bean had longer storage time than the others.


However, by examining the experiences of these four subaltern characters together and in detail, it would be seen that before the subaltern's voice could be appropriated, it is lost, forgotten or neglected.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
