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The National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 appropriated $25 million to the Public Works Program of the Department of the Interior for the development of subsistence homesteads aimed "at a redistribution of population in the interest of providing greater economic stability and a higher standard of living for working men's families."

1933年《国家工业复苏法案》(The National Industrial Recovery Act)拨款24,000,000美元注入内政部公共设施建设工程,为生活家园发展助力,该工程目标是&通过为工作者家庭提供更稳定的经济条件和更优越的生活条件,来吸引人口重新分配&。

The National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 appropriated $25 million to the Public Works Program of the Department of the Interior for the development of subsistence homesteads aimed "at a redistribution of population in the interest of providing greater economic stability and a higher standard of living for working men's families."

1933年《国家工业复苏法》(The National Industrial Recovery Act)拨款24,000,000美元注入内政部公共设施建设工程,为生活家园发展助力。该工程目标是&通过为劳动者家庭提供更稳定的经济条件和更优越的生活条件,来吸引人口重新分配&。

But what fascinates us now is the way that Fanny, clever and reckless as she was, broke the rules—or, to put it in the seminar-speak that sometimes obtrudes in Ms David's book, the way she appropriated and revised the role prescribed to her by gender politics.


The sanctifying grace of God is appropriated by the obedient and unrelenting activity of the regenerate man.


The tassel that graduates transfer from one side of the cap to the other as a sign of their elevation is an outgrowth of the medieval biretta, a tufted square cap appropriated by undergraduates and schoolboys.


The tassel that graduates transfer from one side of the cap to the other as a sign of their elevation is an outgrowth of the medieval biretta, a tufted square cap appropriated by undergraduates and schoolboys.


The tassel that graduates transfer from one side of the cap to the other as a sign of their elevation is an outgrowth of the medieval biretta, a tufted square cap appropriated by undergraduates and schoolboys.


The tassel that graduates transfer from one side of the cap to the other as a sign of their elevation is an outgrowth of the medieval biretta, a tufted square cap appropriated by undergraduates and schoolboys.


So we think that to fix the system, to reduce backlogs and improve technology, there needs to be appropriated monies for this.


So we think that to fix the system, to reduce backlogs and improve technology, there needs to be a appropriated monies for this.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
