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与 appropriated 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fund will not be appropriated according to the new rule, 10%, i.e. 12,843,833 yuan willbe appropriated to statutory surplus common reserve fund. The consolidated allocable

根据新公司法及新会计准则相关规定(新规定取消计提 10%法定公益金),提取 10%法定盈余公积金

The Resolution provided that:"The President of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause two thousand "medals of honor to be prepared with suitable emblematic devices, and to direct that the same be presented, in the name of Congress, to such noncommissioned officers and privates as shall most distinguish themselves by their gallantry in action, and other soldier-like qualities during the present insurrection, and the sum of ten thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of carrying this resolution into effect.


Just as he has been appropriated, so he appropriated ideas from everyone else.


This annexation took place in the same way in which a foreign language is appropriated, namely, by


Model RWM within the ARSIS concept (Ranchin and Wald 1999) and the P+XS algorithm (Anonymous 1986). A comparison of the synthesised images demonstrates the possible misinterpretation that can result from an non-appropriated method. A quantitative assessment is then performed of the synthesised images. These two comparisons enhance the quality of the method derived from the ARSIS concept.

RWM-ARSIS 方法(Ranchin and Wald,1999)和 P+XS 算法[1](Anonymous 1986)对三峡工程三斗坪大坝区的多时相高空间分辨率的SPOT图像(获取时间为1990,1997和1998年,包括全波段P图像和多波段XS图像)进行融合处理,在提取测区地面动态变化信息的同时,从理论和实际应用的角度探讨了不同数据融合方法的效果。

The former, at the time of the suppression of the Society, was superior of the Flemish-Belgian province; the latter was in charge of the projected publication of the "Analecta Belgica", a collection of documents relating to the history of Belgium, a work for which the funds of the Musée Bellarmine were appropriated.

前者,在当时的镇压社会,是优越的弗拉芒语区-比利时省;后者负责预计出版的" analecta belgica ",这是一个收集有关的文件,以历史的比利时,工作,其中的资金博物馆bellarmine分别核拨。

The tassel that graduates transfer from one side of the cap to the other as a sign of their elevation is an outgrowth of the medieval biretta, a tufted square cap appropriated by undergraduates and schoolboys.


However, it causes difference between social construction and interpersonal relationship because of coarsely appropriated intention of consumption during the image of production.


786 Yuan will be appropriated to statutory surplus common reserve fund.

截止2008 年12 月31 日母公司可分配利润为418,695,543 元。

The dative and the preposition dia represent faith as the instrumental means whereby Christ and his righteousness are appropriated; the preposition ek shows that faith occasions, and logically precedes, our personal justification.


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Other People's Property
Feng Shui
A Heat Rash In The Shape Of The Show Me State; Or, Letters From Me To Charlotte
White Privilege

To understand the machinations of love.


It's about balance within the space of the frame, so I spend a lot of time playing around with the pictures in post-production.11


This input scheme implented on the VAX/VMS opreating system has obtained a fine performance in a ...
