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与 apparently 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ictor Laszlo: Apparently you think of me only as the leader of a cause.


Ben Sira eulogizes a high priest named Simon, son of Johanan, this laudation being apparently an expression of the admiration aroused by actual sight of the object of his praise.

本特希拉eulogizes高牧师名为西蒙的儿子Johanan ,这显然是赞美正在表达所引起的钦佩实际看不到的对象,他的赞誉。

Apparently Israelis don't fund their universities as lavishly we do.

显然, 以色列人不支付他们的大学我们的华丽。

Apparently, when it came to appointments, the name of the game wasn't supposed to be follow the leader but follow the leaker.


At the beginning of the Reformation a number of the junior religious, affected by the new learning, left the order; the remainder were compelled to sign the Act of Supremacy, which they apparently did without hesitation, a fact not much to be wondered at if it be borne in mind that Cardinal Wolsey had already obtained power from the Holy See to visit and reform the Carmelite convents, a measure which left no alternative but blind submission to the royal will or suppression.


Apparently, he came across a bit of legal tender playing some sorta game.


They were apparently left for people to pick up in public places in parts of Johor, Chua Soi Lek's home state in the south of Malaysia.

他们偷偷的在Johor公共地区流传,这是soi 的家乡。

DVDs of the couple having sex emerged in a bizarre way. They were apparently left for people to pick up in public places in parts of Johor, Chua Soi Lek's home state in the south of Malaysia.

两人的性爱光碟以奇怪的方式出现,他们出现在Chua Soi Lek的家乡,马来西亚南部的JOHOR人们能买到的公共场所。

DVDs of the couple having sex emerged in a bizarre way. They were apparently left for people to pick up in public places in parts of Johor, Chua Soi Lek's home state in the south of Malaysia. On Tuesday, Mr.

这些DVD是以一种怪诞的方式呈现在人们眼前的,为了让人们发现这些带子,他们被放在Joho部分公共场合很显眼的地方,这也就是Chua Soi Lek's 的老家马来西亚南部。

Thirdly , I came across Lemon Balm - I am not very familiar with this herb, but apparently just the scent of this herb, has relaxation properties.

香蜂草 ----这是我选择的第三种植物,虽然,对这种植物,我不是很熟悉。但是,这种植物的香味,有帮助放松的功效。

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Apparently Nothin'
Apparently Hover Boards Don't Work On Water
4.30 AM (Apparently They Were Travelling Abroad)

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
