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与 apparently 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The chemic stabilities of the products are increased apparently compared with the raw coal.


It's called a shopping bag and apparently in France, it's very chic.


Apparently, customers will be able to choose between ...


I noticed the apparently weary immigrant staff (and the equally weary immigrant clientele) but what really caught my eye was the full- sized toy kitchen for less than $30 (18), and the huge box of Christmas cards for less than a Starbucks latte.


The shape and size of the microspores fluctuated apparently, and the size of the microspores was in positive correlation to chromosome number.


This disease basically is the backbone branch that kills pear tree, come on earlier bark appearance does not have apparently ill spot, from the place such as leather aperture, cicatricle, cut oozy rust lubricious drip or water having rust is abrupt and oozy, right now only useful knife cuts cerebral cortex, just see cerebral cortex show damask have Brown flyspeck or hematic filiform streak, corrupt skin is loose fill water, have lees taste, embedded and many bacterium.


They were fierce tribal clansmen who apparently forced themselves into lands they needed to graze their herds.


Apparently the wolves understood the whole: they looked that Claud was slowing down, all at once crowded and jumped around him.


Two days later a group of Han—apparently numbering in the thousands—took to the street with meat cleavers and clubs and knives.

两天后一群手持砍刀,棍棒和匕首的汉族人走上街头,人数显然超过了 1,000。

By 2002, Vietnam apparently had receded so far into the shadows of the American psyche that in Georgia, Republican congressman Saxby Chambliss, who had a Vietnam-era deferment, was able to defeat Senator Max Cleland, who lost three limbs in Vietnam, by questioning his patriotism and commitment to America's security.


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Apparently Nothin'
Apparently Hover Boards Don't Work On Water
4.30 AM (Apparently They Were Travelling Abroad)

In fact it's called the Sate .


Recent work at HKUST had successfully developed a n ew lightweight, ultra-low density filter material based on photoactive


I wish to express my thanks to you for instructing mychild.
