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与 apologists 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After (1) the Apostolic Fathers come in the second century (2) the Greek apologists, followed by (3) the Western apologists somewhat later,(4) the Gnostic and Marcionite heretics with their apocryphal Scriptures, and (5) the Catholic replies to them.

离职后( 1 )父亲来到使徒在第二世纪( 2 )希腊辩护士,其次是( 3 )西方有些辩护士之后,( 4 )和Marcionite诺斯底异端其未经圣经,( 5 )天主教答复他们。

These early apologists included Aristides, Athenagoras, Saint Justin Martyr, Minucius Felix, Tatian, and Tertullian.

这些早期的支持者包括阿里斯蒂德, athenagoras ,圣贾斯汀烈士,米纽修斯菲利克斯, tatian ,戴尔都良。

They do not like women to be presented as emotionally passive —as a matter of fact I think most women are, that their minds are taken up with a sort of second rate and unessential book keeping which their apologists call "practicality"—like the French, they are centime savers in the business of magic.


There are many myths, misperceptions and stereotypes that bullies and their supporters, apologists and deniers disingenuously use to hide the facts listed above and to further victimise those targeted; click here for insight to counter these tactics.


Hagemann thinks Callistus-Praxeas especially attacked the doctrine of the Apologists and of Hippolytus and Tertullian, which assigned all such attributes as impassibility and invisibility to the Father and made the Son alone capable of becoming passible and visible, ascribing to Him the work of creation, and all operations ad extra.


The word apologists used to describe Mr Smith was paternalist, and his Rhodesia was sometimes cast as nothing worse than a slightly more rough-and-tumble version of the British home counties: Surrey with the lunatic fringe on top.


The apologists are most of them philosophic in their treatment of Christianity.


There were countless variations of themes such as the preexistent Logos or the concept of adoption, but they provide some sense of the ways the early Apologists carried out their task of contributing to the definition of the essence of their Jesus-focused yet monotheistic faith.


Some of the writers of the New Testament and more of the Apologists, late 1st- and 2nd-century reflectors on the meaning of this faith in both the Jewish and Greek contexts, saw Jesus as the "preexistent Logos."


The moral repugnance of the techniques seems to play no part in the calculations of their apologists .


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Green function defined inphase space differs from one in coordinate space by its struc-ture which exhibits nonlocatity in coordinates and oscillatorybehavior with respect to momenta.


The upper front part of a saddle;a saddlebow.


The fame thing I don't like.
