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Lady Catherine was reckoned proud by many people he knew, but he had never seen any thing but affability in her.


Xie He Hospital Dr Wang Yi PengZhao YuLiXiang Excellent service Very little waiting time Drs to help and make me less ancious Diagnose afteryears of not knowing accomplishing what others failed to do Treated me properly Quick action on the tests and results in a timely mannor Found a better solution Fair cost for services English Consultations to keep me in the loop James and LiBo Vallen To the staff of the Xie He Hospital; I write this letter in the hope that I can properly express my feelings for the wonderful treatment that was extended to me during my most recent stay in your hospitalThe courtesy and speedy treatment you gave me made my stay a most bearable experience and one that I will long rememberThe minimal waiting time and the friendly treatment I received made the anxiety and nerviness normally associated with a surgical visit to any facilitymade this one a refreshing experienceYour quality of service and superior medicinal knowledge solved a problem that no other hospital has been able to properly diagnose over the last eight yearsYour involving me in the consultation procedure both in the use of my native English and your concerns for my feelings is another demonstration of the progressive nature of your hospital Once again may I say thank you one and all for making a welcome visitor to your most wonderful hospital and having saved me both the pain and expense of an operation due to your superior knowledge and positive treatment policy Yours trulyJames E Vallen

急求英语高手帮忙翻译!解荷医院博士汪伊PengZhao YuLiXiang 优质的服务很少轮候时间博士帮助,使我少ancious 诊断afteryears不完成别人做不到知道正确对待我快速行动的考验,结果及时mannor 找到了一个更好的解决方案服务费用的公平英国协商,保持我在循环詹姆斯和波瓦伦对谢和医院的工作人员;我写这篇文章,希望我能正确地表达了美好的治疗,期间给予我的是最近留在你hospitalThe礼貌和迅速处理我你给我留了我一个最惬意的经历,我将我的感情的信长期rememberThe最小的轮候时间和友好的对待我收到了正常的焦虑和手术访问的任何facilitymade这一个清新experienceYour的服务质量和优质的医药知识解决了问题,没有其他医院已能正确诊断相关nerviness在过去八年中,涉及无论是在我的母语为英语的使用和您所关心我的感受,我yearsYour协商程序是另一个您的先进性示范医院我再次感谢你一说,并作出访客,欢迎您的最美妙的医院,并具有一切都救了我的痛苦和行动由于您出色的知识和政策,积极治疗费用你trulyJames首页瓦伦

Even when he became a star he didn't have any airs and graces.


Even when he became a star he didn't have any airs and graces .


Alix lowered his voice confidentially :"He's in Paris, but he doesn't come here any more."


But before I could help him, he told me he wouldn't need an ambulance any longer.


It is true that he used the old patterns all his life with dogged conservatism (another Sansculotte characteristic, by the way); but the imposed on them such an overwhelming charge of human energy and passion, including that highest passion which accompanies thought, and reduces the passion of the physical appetites to mere animalism, that he not only played Old Harry with their symmetry but often made it impossible to notice that there was any pattern at all beneath the storm of emotion.


I was in the company of Jabir bin 'Abdullah on a journey and he used to serve me though he was older than I. Jarir said, I saw the Ansar doing a thing (ie showing great reverence to the Prophet ) for which I have vowed that whenever I meet any of them, I will serve him.


Ajax son of Telamon was more angry than any, for the man had fallen close be, him; so he aimed at Polydamas as he was retreating, but Polydamas saved himself by swerving aside and the spear struck Archelochus son of Antenor, for heaven counselled his destruction; it struck him where the head springs from the neck at the top joint of the spine, and severed both the tendons at the back of the head.

他当即 投出闪亮的枪矛,对着回退的普鲁达马斯,但后者迅速跳到一边,躲过了。。幽黑的死亡――枪尖吃中安忒诺耳之子阿耳开洛科斯,永生的神祗注定他必死的命运。枪矛扎在头颈的交接处,脊椎的最后一节,切断了两面的筋腱;所以,倒下时,他的头、嘴和鼻子抢先落地,远在腿和膝盖之前。

He is always punctual. He should be here any minute.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。