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与 any he 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are also many positive acts for the benefit of others, which he may rightfully be compelled to perform; such as, to give evidence in a court of justice; to bear his fair share in the common defence, or in any other joint work necessary to the interest of the society of which he enjoys the protection; and to perform certain acts of individual beneficence, such as saving a fellow-creature's life, or interposing to protect the defenceless against ill-usage, things which whenever it is obviously a man's duty to do, he may rightfully be made responsible to society for not doing.


He was impecunious and also he didn't know any person he could borrow money from.


When he presents his advice, he presents the range of advice and opinions he has received, along with any individual comments of the other JCS members.

当他呈现他的忠告的时候,他呈现多种的忠告和他已经收到,连同其他 JCS 成员的任何个别意见一起的意见。

But he cannot see any meaning because he has a certain idea: he has to find the diamond, a Kohinoor -- only then will there be meaning.


He remembered cases in which paralysis and apoplexy had stricken men as strong as his uncle in the first hour of the horrible affliction; and he lingered in the lamplit vestibule, wondering whether it was not his duty to be with Sir Michael--to be near him, in case of any emergency, and to accompany him wherever he went.


But our patron, warned by this disaster, resolved to take more careof himself for the future; and having lying by him the longboat ofour English ship that he had taken, he resolved he would not go a-fishing any more without a compass and some provision; so heordered the carpenter of his ship, who also was an English slave,to build a little state-room, or cabin, in the middle of the long-boat, like that of a barge, with a place to stand behind it tosteer, and haul home the main-sheet; the room before for a hand ortwo to stand and work the sails.


He'd win almost any matchup, but in this one, he defends better and he can post up better.


So when he decides to live in Hamburg, he has no room, no food and he can be collected by the police any time and get sent back to Mecklenburg.


Meanwhile, Wang himself said he felt better on Wednesday than he did in any of his minor league rehab starts, in which he threw 13 scoreless innings.


He said this, not because he had any love for the poor; but because he was a thief, and, having the money-bag, took for himself what was put into it.

12:6 他说这话,并不是挂念穷人,乃因他是个贼,又带着钱囊,常取其中所存的。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
