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与 any he 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First, he did not see the path to being able to make him lord of any state that was , not a state of the Church; and when he decided to take that of the Church, he knew that the duke of Milan and the Venetians would not consent to it because Faenza and Rimini had for long been under the protection of the Venetians.

首先, 他看不出有什么办法可以叫儿子统辖不属于教会的国家。他决定把教会属下的国家划分走时,又担心米兰的公爵和威尼斯人不同意,因为法恩扎和里米尼长期以来一直处于威尼斯人的保护之下。

When you and your boyfriend there is any contradiction, when he was in order to let you angry, sad silence, to bow their heads in silence, do not like the cock fighting win in the same chase, because it must be your mistakes , if he has done wrong, he will come the first time to apologize.


He did not hop any more, but stood upright on his hind legs and dressed himself in fine clothes and sat in chairs and did all the things that people do; so he soon came to be called the Frogman, and that is the only name he has ever had.


Caderousse, then, was, as usual, at his place of observation before the door, his eyes glancing listlessly from a piece of closely shaven grass--on which some fowls were industriously, though fruitlessly, endeavoring to turn up some grain or insect suited to their palate--to the deserted road, which led away to the north and south, when he was aroused by the shrill voice of his wife, and grumbling to himself as he went, he mounted to her chamber, first taking care, however, to set the entrance door wide open, as an invitation to any chance traveller who might be passing.


He is always care for you and take notice of you at any time.After five or ten years, when he meet you, he actually can tell you that you ever dressed a blue skirt and was full of sweet smile in one summer in one year as if nothing happened.


With the photos of the half-eaten colonists still haunting the depths of his mind, he knew anyone seeing what he'd sent back would be willing to justify any actions he took.


Rachel: Joey, just-just he-he's new in town and I know he doesn't have any guy friends.


Paskin gave up all hope. A few days later, too heartsick to remain any longer in Hungary, he set out on foot again, stealing across border after border until he reached Paris. He managed to immigrate to the United States in October 1947, just three months before I met him.


In any case (unless he is a pointless hoarder) he gives indirectly as many jobs as he ceased to give directly.


As a chief house surgeon, he is not afarid to make important decision any more, even though he admits that sometimes he is obsessed of two minds.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
