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与 any he 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He rejects any interviews because of his low tone; however, he's ubiquitous. Everything he does seems to be captured by lens. His blog devulges every second of his sense of aesthete.


There was an experience made him so impressed in China. When he finished a show and about to leave, his van was swarmed with a crowd of fans that the van could not move. While the driver was rushing to leave, he tried to drive forward a bit, and grinded a fan's feet accidentally. Witnessing a fan of him being injured, Michael felt so upset and cried agitatedly. He was unwilling to see any of his fans injured because of him.


That outraged American nativists. William Wick, a congressman from Indiana, said he did "not want any mixed races in our Union, nor men of any colour except white, unless they be slaves".


He relationship of THS and ChangYou established by this Agreement is that of independent contractors, and nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to give either Party the power to direct and control the day-to-day activities of the other, constitute the Parties as partners, joint venturers, co-owners or otherwise as participants in a franchise relationship, or joint or common undertaking, or allow ChangYou to create or assume any obligation on behalf of THS for any purpose whatsoever.

HS 和&常友&的合作关系是建立在该协议的基础上,并且双方是独立的合约人,且没有如下情况包括在该协议中:(1。)给任一方权利来指导或控制另一方的日常活动;(2。)作为合作伙伴的组成,合资企业、共同所有者或者其他赋予公民权之参加者所组成的关系或合资或共同承担风险;或(3。)允许&常友&创建或承担为了任何什么目的而代表THS的义务。

With a few exceptio please make reference to Part I(2 of the form, a duly a ointed election agent has authority to do all things nece ary at an election which can be done by the a ointing Candidate himself. He may also at any time in the a ence of the Candidate take any ste on behalf of the Candidate in co ection with the election.


Any primary school teachers in 1972, 1974, Northwest Normal University to study, graduating in 1977 in a distribution of Jingyuan, successively as secretary of the Communist Youth League School, director of the teaching, 1990, he served as Vice-President, Pingchuan District in 1993 was transferred to the Secretary of Education, Secretary of the party branch office in 1995, in February 2000 Hirakawa any party branch secretary of the Secondary School (vice-county).

黄天布 1951年9月生,陡城乡牙沟水村人。1972年任小学教师,1974年入西北师大学习,1977年毕业分配靖远一中工作,先后任校团委书记、教导主任,1990年任副校长,1993年调任平川区教育局局长,1995年任党支部书记,2000年2月任平川中学党支部书记。

He also makes clear that this Trinitarian doctrine must be accepted by all Christians:"If any man preach any other gospel to you than you have received let him be condemned" Gal.


"If an authorized officer has placed a lock or seal on any premises or container under subsection (1), any person who breaks or interferes with such lock or seal commits an offence unless he does so--"


Don't panic if you see someone talking to the air and he is not holding any cell phone or using any headset.


We realize the Suns are serious about getting tougher and better defensively, but we're not talking about a sure-fire NBA player by any stretch, and there aren't even any guarantees that he will want to leave Tau Vitoria for whatever the Suns offer him.

我们意识到太阳队对希望得到一名很强悍和防守很好的球员是非常认真的,但是我们不能想当然地去理解一名火暴的 NBA 球员,现在也很难保证说不管太阳队给他提供什么,他一定会离开自己维多利亚。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
