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与 annually 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a carbon-intermediate chemical, succinic acid had the potential market of 4 million tons annually.


According to the statistics of the Organization of Trade and Development of the United Nations, there are several swindling acts each month and swindling causes a loss of up to billions of US dollars annually.


For example, about 30 million tons of terephthalic acids are produced annually by oxidation of p-xylene with air.


And two-way trade has grown more than 20% annually and is expected to reach $60 billion next year, a thirtyfold increase since 2000, although it's weighted heavily in China's favor.


Tino also participates annually in a cystic fibrosis golf tournament in Tampa.


Co-branded to reduce the cost of brand building, such as the Joint yoplait new children trix yogurt, in trix to spend 15 million U.S. dollars annually to carry out propaganda on the basis of this co-branded almost no expenditure of any fee established visibility and identity, and if they do not adopt the use of co-branding, then set up a new brand alone would cost yoplait stalled.


This extra capital, though intended by its owners for production, is in reality employed unproductively, and annually replaced, not from any produce of its own, but from the produce of the labour supported by the remainder of the farmer's capital.


Nevertheless, auditors annually certify the numbers given them by management and in their opinions unqualifiedly state that these figures "present fairly" the financial position of their clients.


Nevertheless, auditors annually certify the numbers given them by management and in their opinions unqualifiedly state that these figures "present fairly" the financial position of their clients. The auditors use this reassuring language even though they know from long and painful experience that the numbers so certified are likely to differ dramatically from the true earnings of the period. Despite this history of error, investors understandably rely upon auditors' opinions. After all, a declaration saying that "the statements present fairly" hardly sounds equivocal to the non-accountant.


Nevertheless, auditors annually certify the numbers given them by management and in their opinions unqualifiedly state that these figures "present fairly" the financial position of their clients. The auditors use this reassuring language even though they know from long and painful experience that the numbers so certified are likely to differ dramatically from the true earnings of the period. Despite this history of error, investors understandably rely upon auditors' opinions. After all, a declaration saying that "the statements present fairly" hardly sounds equivocal to the non-accountant.


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