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与 annually 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Robinet predicts that Chinese car companies will probably follow the much slower growth model of Japanese and Korean carmakers. Even if 250,000 Cherys sold in the first year, it would be a tiny percent of the 17 million autos sold in the U.S. annually.


U.S. financial services company Collins Stewart analyst Sandeep Aggarwal said, If Microsoft is willing to 15 billion U.S. dollars acquisition of Yahoo's search business, and annually to the Yahoo page ad paid 3 billion U.S. dollars so the actual transaction value equivalent to Microsoft in the original 33 U.S. dollars per share based on Plus nine U.S.

美国金融服务公司Collins Stewart分析师Sandeep Aggarwal表示,如果微软愿意以150亿美元收购雅虎搜索业务,并每年向雅虎网页广告支付30亿美元那么实际交易价值相当于微软在原先33美元每股基础上再加9美元。

The simulated result from SAWAH model shows the averaged flux infiltrating into hard pan is 0.53 billion cubic meters annually. Based on the empirical equation used by Taiwan Provincial water conservancy Bureau, the infiltration capacity of paddy field is computed and graded into by six levels. The Geographical Information System is adopted to present the results.


An offshoot of the Shankar's International Children's Competition was the Shankar's On-the-Spot Painting Competition held annually in New Delhi.


Silphium Perfolialum is a composite perennial herb. It is very simple to cultivate with high yield (10-12 tons of fresh grass per-mu annually).


Industrial production, which has risen an average of 16% annually for five years, slacked off to 3.8% in the first two months of this year.


Anglo-American's Los Bronces and El Soldado mines, which together produce about 280,000 metric tones of copper annually, also halted operations, but other major mines were running as usual.


Spendable earnings accrue on the gift annually.


Annually. Whether or not the car will be coming Stateside is another matter, and VW is still pondering the advantages of such a move.


The loss of the GM agreement will cost the financially struggling Stillwater Mining between $5 million to $10 million annually.

损失的协议,通用汽车公司将减少财政之间挣扎斯蒂尔沃特矿业500万美元,每年1 000万美元。

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9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
