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与 annually 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to the association, there was an increase of more than 60 per cent in the number of people undergoing otoplasty last year, with approximately 1,000 Britons now opting for the procedure annually.


We bring together people resources wherever needed to deliver outsting results for our clients, complete over $450 billion in transactions annually. Our clients come to us for our deep local knowledge. They build their businesses on the power of our global managed network.


Pargo, who last was seeking a three-year contract from the Hornets in the neighborhood of $3 million annually, signed with a team in Russia for considerably less.


In 1991, Brevipalpus obovatus Donnadieu, a new species of mite, was first found damaging passionflower in Zhangzhou, south Fujian, China. It propagated 8-9 generations annually in laboratory in 1991-1992. Its egg stage ranged 6.0-25.0 days, larva stage 3.0-14.0 days, nymph Ⅰ stage 2.0-12.0 days, nymph Ⅱ stage 5.0-21.5 days, preoviposition stage 2.0-30.0 days, and the female adult longevity exceeded 30 days, longest up to 2 months while overwintering.

首次在福建省南部发现一种为害西番莲的新害螨,形态学鉴定为卵形短须螨。1991-1992年在室内饲养该螨,共8-9代,卵期6.0-25.0 d,幼螨期3.0-14.0 d,若螨Ⅰ期2.0-12.0 d,若螨Ⅱ期5.0-21.5 d,产卵前期2.0-30.0 d,以雌成螨越冬,其寿命超过30 d,最长达2个月。

She also received numerous awards one of which is "Best Artist" from Pentatonic, a mainsteam music festival held annually.


As for the Androme-da of art,he has the tenderest respect for that la-dy,and desires nothing more than to see her hap-pily settled and annually producing a flock of suchcharming children as those we see about us.


The leaves of most orchids are perennial, that is they live for several years, while others, especially those with plicate leaves, shed them annually and develop new leaves together with new pseudobulbs.


During its 49 year existence, the Texas Ranger annually groomed an imp-etuous staff of Rangeroos that published a magazine that ridiculed and pranked the institution that had conceived it.

在四九年存在,德克萨斯骑警每年培养的进出口, etuous工作人员Rangeroos的出版一本杂志说,嘲笑和pranked的机构已设想它。

A booklet describing GE integrity policies which every GE employee is required to sign and reacknowledge annually


The house is also open to tours throughout the year; approximately 200,000 visitors tour Rideau Hall annually.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
