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与 annually 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It mean she has got the three award of best songstress, annually best actor and best new actor in her sing career


For the past 40 years I have also been involved in the design and firing of fireworks displays. For the past 9 years I have worked on the jury of The British Musical Fireworks Championships which is held annually in Southport in the North of England and I am now the Chairman of this jury.


The Black Hills Passion Play is given annually in Spearfish, S.Dak.

布莱克丘陵的激情发挥,是由於每年spearfish ,第丹麦克朗。

Staley grinds up a mind-boggling 500,000 bushels of corn a day and turns them into more than 3 billion pounds of HFCS annually.


A statuette awarded annually for outstanding achievement in radio and television advertising.


Emmy:a statuette awarded annually by the academy of Television arts and Sciences for outstanding achievement in television.


We're planning to step on the gas: GEICO's marketing expenditures this year will top $100 million, up 50% from 1997. Our market share today is only 3%, a level of penetration that should increase dramatically in the next decade. The auto insurance industry is huge -- it does about $115 billion of volume annually -- and there are tens of millions of drivers who would save substantial money by switching to us. In the 1995 report, I described the enormous debt that you and I owe to Lorimer Davidson.

不过盖可 1998 年的承保获利很可能会下滑,但是保单数量应该还会继续成长,我们已准备好加紧油门,盖可保险今年预计的行销费用将突破一亿美元的大关,这数字比起 1997 年要增加 50%以上,截至目前为止,我们的市场占有率约为 3%,预计在未来的十年内还会大幅增加,整个汽车保险市场的大饼相当可观,每年约有 1,150 亿美元的市场胃纳量,预估将有上千万的驾驶人因为将保单转移到我们这边而节省相当可观的保费。

According to statistics, China sticker on demand annually in excess of 20% at a fast pace.


Fumeilai Stonework employs a staff of over 200 and outputs over 100,0000m2 of artificial stonework products annually.


The policy of the annually balanced budget represents a rigid straightjacket.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
