英语人>网络例句>annoys 相关的网络例句

查询词典 annoys

与 annoys 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Express in numerous netizen should person pork search searchs " Lothario " when, netizen " rice cake " put forward, although fair car annoys despise making a person, but privately reachs the openly effigies hair of the other side on the net, have tort suspicion it seems that.


However, reports of Liu Jin's wealth might have been grosslyexaggerated, since chroniclers used his story to warn what can happenwhen an imperial eunuch annoys enough people.


However, reports of Liu Jin's wealth might have been grossly exaggerated, since chroniclers used his story to warn what can happen when an imperial eunuch annoys enough people.


By comparison, the treasury of the imperial palace had only 30 million to 70 million ounces of silver when the dynasty fell. However, reports of Liu Jin's wealth might have been grossly exaggerated, since chroniclers used his story to warn what can happen when an imperial eunuch annoys enough people.


It annoys me when Philip adopts that holier-than-thou expression with his sons; he forgets that he was just as bad as them when he w as their age.


TO SHOW that you are up to speed on global warming, you need to know your Rio summit from your Kyoto protocol; your Greenland pump from your carbon sink; and your Harald Sverdrup (a Norwegian oceanographer, who measured sea currents) from your Bjorn Lomborg (a Danish controversialist, who annoys greens).

为了显示你对全球变暖的速度有所关心,你需要能够了解和分辨京都议定书和里约热内陆地球峰会,格陵兰泵和二氧化碳吸收器,还有Harald Sverdrup(挪威海洋学家,从事海洋流测算工作)和Bjorn Lomborg(一位对环境保护持有不同见解的丹麦人,他的主张让绿色主义者极为不爽)。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
