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与 anniversary 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This past week, volunteers from Red Cross and Red Crescent societies around the world gathered in Solferino to mark the anniversary.


Riding on the trend of the 400th anniversary of Kepler's telescoping the universe, NSC, combining astronomic, historical, literary and technological materials, presents a special exhibition "400 Years of Heaven Gazing," applying advanced techniques to fly the participants to the beautiful endless universe. Exhibits such as the juxtaposition of Kengting, Lulin and Hawaii etc. four observatories' realtime images and 3D movies such as Galileo's Free Fall experiment at Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Mystery of Saturn etc. altogether enrich the Spectacularity.


Year of 2007,the world celebrated the 50th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik.


Russia may choose to celebrate the anniversary as a common victory over fascism. Or it may use it to justify Stalinism.


Wearing the graduation gown, in an instant, do we realize that the stentorian slogans at military training on grade 10 still reverberate around; the pleasure and harvest brought by ally tour are being treasured deeply in our hearts; the enthusiasm and perseverance we had represented during the series activities of supporting Beijing Olympic Bidding are thrilling us as ever; the delight and success of creating poem anthology are haunting in our minds as before; the sweet and bitter of acting a role in the play for the first time still hovering in our brains; the attachments derived from the Canada National Day are accompanying us till present; the fresh experience stemmed from participating in the volunteers' activities of the Special Olympics had inscribed in our memory; the melodies of the 4th, the 5th, and the 6th anniversary performances are still echoing in our ears…the transitory 3 years of high school had left us so much remarkable reminiscences, so many impressive experiences that worth cherishing.


As far as I know, this year is the 170th, 100th and 60th anniversary year since the stereoscopy, holography and integral photography has been born in 1838, 1908 and 1948, respectively.


Competitive Enterprise modeling school team members, who participate in the 2010 National College Athletic business simulation competition and enter the semi-finals Now Hiall Club team as Chief Financial Officer School: who work in the "Chinese Bridge Summer Camp Group International," as a teaching assistant Former "Studio Classroom""China Daily" Subscription Members Volunteer Services: Volunteers who have the Chinese Science and Technology Museum Anniversary Guest Services Volunteer Group Volunteer Many support teaching activities

企业模拟竞技校队成员,曾参加2010年全国高校企业模拟竞技大赛并进入复赛现为Hiall Club团队成员,担任财务总监校外:曾工作于《华语之桥国际夏令营集团》,任助教曾任《空中英语教室》《China Daily》征订员志愿服务:曾为中国科技馆志愿者校庆志愿者嘉宾服务志愿组多次支教活动灰常感谢各位……好的有追加分~积极投票可以增加您的经验值,每票1分,每天上限20分

In an already sensitive political year the government will ignore the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre in June and celebrate 60 years of Communist party rule in October the last thing the authorities need is tens of millions of restive, underemployed factory workers with only subsistence farming on which to fall back.


In my country, we recently celebrated the 75th anniversary of women's suffrage.


This paper has studied the physiological and biochemical changes during the period of forming strong buds of tree peony, and expect to provide academic basis for extending its view value and economic benefit . The main results are as the following:1 Under the field condition, Characteristics of photosynthesis of tree peony are very regular. From before blooming to the prophase of abducting buds that after blooming ,that is April,May and June,the net photosynthetic rate of tree peony is higher than the other period .It indicates that this period is very important for accumulating photosynthetic products of tree peony . So, if we want to get quality flower of tree peony ,it is very important to strengthen the management of tree peony cultivation and to ensure provide the fertilizer and water.2 From the middle ten days of June, with the time elapsing and with the environment conditions worsening, the characteristics of photosynthesis of tree peony decline deeply. But it is different among different tree peony breeds. For example , cv. Wu Long Peng Sheng can also has higher net photosynthetic rate, it indicates that cv. Wu Long Peng Sheng is super than the other two tree peony breeds when adapting the environment conditions and cv. Wu Long Peng Sheng has wide prospect to extend .3 The main factors of effecting the characteristics of photosynthesis are stomatal factor and non-stomatal factor ,that is the ability of photosynthesis of leaf cells. Under the environment of high light intensity in midsummer, if overshadow tree peony properly, then it can slow the declining of chlorophyll content, and increase the net photosynthetic rate and benefit for the accumulating of photosynthetic products.4 The content of soluble sugar in the root of tree peony is the highest among different organs during the period of forming strong buds . According to analyse ,we believe that the soluble sugar will compose starch then, and provide the solid base of material for the growth and development next year. It provide us strong academic basis of adopting the method of cultivating root and protecting root under thefield environment conditions .In other words ,it will help to increase the health level of the whole plant of tree peony and will be beneficial to forming quality tree peony flower if we strengthen the management of root. 5 To tree peony, the endogenesis hormone is important for its growth and development .In the prophase ,that is about the blooming of tree peony and the mid-summer ,IAA and ZR contents are higher and GA content is lower and its changes are very little, and the content of ABA is decreasing . This indicates that IAA and ZR act the important promote function for growth and development of tree peony in this period, and the function of GA is not important. Bur in the period of anniversary senescence of tree peony , the content of IAA and ZR begin to decrease ,while the ABA content has a certain rebound .T

本研究对几个牡丹品种壮芽形成过程中的某些生理生化变化做了研究,以期了解牡丹生长发育过程中生理生化的变化规律,探讨大田栽培条件下提高牡丹花质量的栽培措施和管理技术,为提高牡丹的观赏价值和经济效益提供理论依据,结果如下:1 大田栽培条件下,牡丹光合特性在生长发育过程中表现出极强的规律性,牡丹各品种的光合速率从牡丹开花前,到牡丹花谢后的花芽诱导期前期(6月10日之前),也就是在4、5、6月份,各牡丹品种的净光合速率相对与其他时间都维持在比较高的水平,这说明,在这段时间,是牡丹光合产物积累的重要时期,因此,要保证得到高质量的牡丹花,在这段时间加强对牡丹的栽培管理,保证这个时期的肥水供应十分重要。2 从6月中旬后,随时间的推移,环境条件的恶化,牡丹的光合性能剧烈下降,但是不同牡丹品种间仍有差异,比如,乌龙捧盛仍可维持较高的光合水平,这说明了乌龙捧盛这个牡丹品种对于环境的适应性较之其他牡丹品种高,有着广泛的推广前景。3 影响牡丹光合性能的主要因子是气孔因素和非气孔因素即叶肉细胞的光合能力,在盛夏高温高光强的环境条件下,对牡丹进行适当遮荫,能缓解牡丹叶绿素水平的下降,适当提高Pn,有利于光合产物的积累。4 可溶性糖在牡丹各品种的壮芽形成过程中,根中可溶性糖的含量在牡丹各部位中始终维持最高水平,分析认为这些可溶性糖在根系中进一步合成淀粉等储藏性物质,为来年牡丹的生长提供雄厚的物质基础,这为我们在大田栽培条件下对牡丹采取养根护根的栽培措施提供了有力的理论依据,即在大田栽培条件下,加强对牡丹根系的管理,有助于提高牡丹整株的健壮程度,有益于形成高质量的牡丹花。5内源激素对牡丹的生长发育调节作用是十分明显的,在前期,即开花前后和盛夏,IAA和ZR含量维持在比较高的水平,GA含量低且变化不明显,ABA含量逐渐降低,说明了IAA和ZR对牡丹在这段时间内的生长发育起到重要的促进作用,GA的作用不是很明显,ABA可能在高温高光强下有明显的升高,也说明了ABA的确有一些促进作用,但是到了牡丹周年衰老期,IAA和ZR的含量开始下降,ABA含量却有了一定程度的反弹,说明了IAA和ZR的作用开始降低,ABA起到了促进衰老的作用

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Anniversary Song
Anniversary Song
Max And Frieda - Silver Wedding Anniversary
Our Anniversary
Happy Anniversary
Anniversary Song
Anniversary Of An Uninteresting Event

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
