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与 animation 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Apart from Animation and Yacht, T-shine also expands its businesses to the sales of wine, magic stone, coffee, chocolate and landscape design, View Planning, enterprise appearance, culture activities strategy, economic information consultancy service as well as all kinds of culture service, etc.


I think it is great that Chinese animation artists have a window where they can show themselves and their creations.


With nearly one million words of print in the Ballantine/Del Rey series alone, eighty-five episodes of powerful animation, an equal number of comic book adaptations, numerous art and role-playing books, and supplemental source material including several college theses it should be clear that Robotech has traveled a great distance since "HAL," Haruhiko Mikimoto, sat down at his desk one day and inked the first sketch of raven-haired songbird, Lynn-Minmei.

拥有Ballantine/Del Rey系列印刷的上百万的文字,85集精彩的动画,类似数量的漫画改编,无数的美术和角色扮演书籍,以及来源于若干大学论文的补充素材,这一切都清楚地说明:自从美树本晴彦坐在他桌前画下了第一个黑发女歌手明美的形象的那一天起,太空堡垒已经广为传播了。

They overwhelmed visitors by their huge size, realistic appearance and well-engineered animation sequence.


I saw Cheer Chen's music video "Rebirth" on MTV, the director Liu genming collaborate with a Taiwanese animator Pan yungia, their cooperate so well and express the sentences and the atmosphere precisely, not only the animation is well-drawn but also finely execute the motion, very smooth and wonderful. It's the best animated MV I have seed these days!


A well-composed shot will set the mood and may even save on animation down the track.


In Mac OS X v10.5 and later, animation powers the movement of icons in the Finder Cover Flow view, the springing of items from a stack in the Dock, and the arrival of buddies in an iChat window, among other things.

在Mac OS X 10.5及以后的版中中,动画效果为Finder中Cover Flow视图中图标的移动,Dock中堆栈的弹出,iChat窗口中好友登录通知等提供了支持。

View Finder: A registration device mounted near the top of the animation stand that allows the camera operator to check whether or not the camera is trained on the center of the field.


We did the opening laser gun animation for Star Wars when Vader boards Princess Leila's transport ship.

我们为《星球大战》做了那个当 Vader 登上公主 Leila 的传送船的时候的开场激光枪动画。

In this case, the transmission time is short because the symbolic representation of an animation of an animated


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Suspended Animation

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
