英语人>网络例句>animation 相关的网络例句

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与 animation 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The paper analyzes the interference among parts and components, executes the mechanical motion emulation, and works out an animation about the assembled and unassembled process of the device after the modeling work.


We hear about the numerous sets, why you go to "the Spaniards" if you're dealing with animation physics, costume problems (there's a reason why previous Pixar films dealt with single- or uncostumed characters), and horror stories about all that animated hair.


T rue animation cannot be achieved without first understanding a fundamental principle of the human eye: the persistance of vison.

吨 rue动画就不可能实现首先了解一个基本的原则,人眼:持续

There is significantly more warping, faceting, and animation.


Alertness, Blinding Speed (2), Cleave, Corrupt Spell, Corrupt Spell-like Ability, Craft Epic Rod, Craft Epic Wondrous Items, Craft Rod, Craft Wondrous Items, Dark Speech, Empower Spell, Epic Spell Focus, Eschew Materials, Extra Turning (2), Fly-by Attack, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater Spell Focus, Ignore Material Components, Improved Bullrush, Improved Initiative, Improved Spell Capacity (10th), Improved Spell Capacity (11th), Improved Spell Capacity (12th), Intensify Spell, Maximize Spell, Multispell, Negative Energy Burst, Planar Turning, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Quicken Spell-like Ability, Reach Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus, Sunder, Toughness, Vile Natural Strike, Weapon Focus, Willing Deformity, Zone of Animation.

技能与特长:炼金术+56,平衡+11,哄骗+48,集中+102,手艺+35,手艺+63,交涉+48,逃跑艺术+50,医疗+33,隐藏+38,胁迫+53,跳跃+28,知识+63,知识+124,知识+96,知识+84,知识+ 63,聆听+55,安静移动+50,占卜+101,搜索+68,察言观色+55,法术识别+119,观察+57,摔绊+50,警觉,盲感(2),顺劈斩,腐化法术,腐化类法术能力,制造传奇法杖,制造传奇魔法物品,制造法杖,制造魔法物品,黑暗圣言,授予法术,传奇法术专攻,无须原料,额外活动力(2轮),飞行攻击,强力顺劈斩,异常强韧,强化法术专攻,无视原料材质,改良重击,改良先攻,改良施法(10级),改良施法(11级),改良施法(12级),强化施法,法术极效,负能量脉冲,转化位面生物,,猛力攻击,快速施法,快速施展类法术能力,法术效果延长,抄写卷轴,法术专攻,击破武器,坚韧,邪恶自然打击,武器专攻,扭曲肉体,活化区域

"P".fadeOut"fast",function({alert"Animation Done."


Because writers on reality and animation programmes are not unionised , the networks will be able to switch to other forms of programming; sport will fill the gaps, too.


The computer CG painting influence of the newly arisen manifestation in conduct and actions at gradually strong, in moving the animation work quota draw with traditional paper media gradually the work work make odds even.


Rendering graphics should be the scene elements in shape, animation with relative position control system of actual situation.


In contrast, the Japanese imagination is necessary to come out strong every period we have a lot of cartoons, has become the object of the street to talk about, every picture, every character, all very fine painting, Chinese modern comics, a lot of painters, will be subject to the impact of Japanese comics, Japanese animation to be widely watched group of more.


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Suspended Animation

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
