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与 animal 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Siberian Husky never appears so heavy or coarse as to suggest a freighting animal; nor is he so light and fragile as to suggest a sprint-racing animal.


The Siberian Husky never appears so heavy or coarse as to suggest a freighting animal; nor is he so light and fragile as to suggest a sprint-racing animal.


Last week our Deputy Director for China Outreach made a preliminary trip to get on-the-ground information on human and animal welfare. Further to this visit, on May 27, a team of 7 SPCA staff flew to Chengdu to advise the local authority on disease control, animal rescue, vaccination and welfare, as well as bringing much needed rescue equipment such as lassos, cages and first aid material.

上周三,协会中国及澳门外展事务部副总监已率先启程往成都,与当地相关机构及政府部门联系,并且四出了解当地的动物情况。5月 27 日,本会再派出七人队伍前往成都,协助当地政府进行疾病控制措施,提供动物拯救、防疫注射及福利工作等支援工作,队伍更带备所需拯救装备,如索套、兽笼及急救物资等等。

This pike became his client because a certain animal welfare organization appealed that the defendant, an amateur fisherman was suspected of maltreating animal in the course of pike's struggling for survival.


"Admitting and safeguarding the welfare of animals,recognizing and maintaining the natural rights of animals,respecting lives,treating animals with kindness,not maltreating animals,protecting animal welfare as well as protecting the benefits of human being,the harmonious coexistence of animals with human being,and the combination of scientific spirit with humanistic spirit" are the basic ideas of animal welfare law.


Based on the research of the literature from home and abroad, this experiment was to study methods and models of rapidly estimating methane emission value of beef cattle and fertilizer value of beef cattle slurries, which would provide some theoretical support for controlling the output of animal wastes and harmless resource utilization of animal manures as well.


Afte GVBD, the two MTOCs begin to organize the meioses spindle. The animal pole process retracted back and the polar body extruded from the site of former animal pole process.


Under such strict penalties, however, animal mistreating was still a social phenomena and animal welfare problems still exist.


And last of all, how the Rational Soul is seated in the Animal, as its proper House, as is the Animal in the Body: I say if this rare Fabrick alone were but considered by us, with all the rest by which it is fed and comforted, surely Man would have a more reverent Sense of the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God, and of that Duty he owes to Him for it.


Our state animal remedy producer has increased into 2600 in 2004 from tens in 1985, also the animal remedy market fast changed from seller's market into the buyer's market in middle period of 1990's, at the beginning of this century, the competition for market was most bitterly, the whole industry come into a period of a narrow margin profit.


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Party Animal
Public Animal #9
Keep The Change, You Filthy Animal
Animal House
Animal Crackers
Animal Nocturno
Kickin' Wing, Animal Doctor
Man Or Animal

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
