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与 androgynous 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some Keepers of Secrets have haunting, androgynous face pierced with rings, with fanged mouths from which forked tongues flicker.


Results All the participants could be classified into 4 sex role types: masculine, feminie, androgynous and undifferentiated.

结果 男、女高师生存在男性化、女性化、双性化和未分化4种性度取向类型,其中未分化者所占比例最大(50.2%),双性化者最少(8.1%)。

Results All the partici-pants could be classified into4sex role types:masculine,feminie,androgynous and undiffereritiated.

结果 男、女高师生存在男性化、女性化、双性化和未分化4 性度取向类型,其中未分化者所占比例最(50.2%),双性化者最少(8.1%)。

Results All the partici-pants could be classified into4sex role types:masculine,feminie,androgynous and undiffereritiated.

结果 男、女高师生存在男性化、女性化、双性化和未分化4种性度取向类型,其中未分化者所占比例最大(50.2%),双性化者最少(8.1%)。

Bishōnen is occasionally used to describe some androgynous female characters (such as Lady Oscar in The Rose of Versailles, Karou no Kimi and Hana no Saint Juste in Oniisama e), Integra from Hellsing or any women with traits stereotypical to bishōnen.

美少年通常用于描述具有中性气质的女性角色们(比如凡尔塞玫瑰中的奥斯卡,おにいさまへ(Oniisama E,台译青涩花园)中的HANA NO SAINT Juste和Karou no Kimi

Inflorescences in axillary pairs; glomerules forming spikes, racemes, panicles, or rarely capitula, unisexual or androgynous. Male flowers: perianth lobes 4, imbricate; stamens 4; rudimentary ovary cuplike.


He went from being a handsome young black man to an androgynous , deracinated freak, his skin an unnatural shade of white and his face seeming to be almost sloughing off at points.


The diet and exercise cult was born of a desire to develop androgynous bodies that are more muscular than softly curved.


Her androgynous good looks put her on People's 50 Most Beautiful People list and her sense of style keeps her Best-Dressed in all publications.


They took pains that their own appearance--all their features in approximately the right place despite universal baldness, blue-tinted skin, and graceful androgynous bodies--was encased in flesh, and thus didn't routinely send humans away screaming in fear.


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Androgynous Mind

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
