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The playwright who wrote the folio of this world and wrote it badly (He gave us light first and the sun two days later), the lord of things as they are whom the most Roman of catholics call dio boia , hangman god, is doubtless all in all in all of us, ostler and butcher, and would be bawd and cuckold too but that in the economy of heaven, foretold by Hamlet, there are no more marriages, glorified man, an androgynous angel, being a wife unto himself.


The mediating figure between these contrasted halves is the angel, who is also, as so often in Caravaggio, sexually indeterminate: androgynous, epicene, a boy-girl, a short-haired youth with a round rosy bottom like a nymph's.


Andrea Bender allows us an insight into a world which seems to be running wild: against the backdrop of a small, narrow-minded German town full of half-timbered houses a mob is rising; girls are knocking out stout gentlemen in a ring; androgynous baroque folks are daring obscene dances with lusty apes.


For the subsequent images, Lucas photographed herself as a truculent subject, dressed in androgynous garb (heavy boots and knackered jeans) and adopting loutish poses.


Female and androgynous inflorescences with cupules in clusters of 3-5 scattered on rachis.


Apart from an androgynous singer, a sackful of killer lines and some seriously messed-up pop songs, there's also The Voice.


The 30-year-old, once known for her androgynous looks and boyish crop, now sports shoulder-length locks.


That's that the old "win on Sunday, sell on Monday" adage fades with every NASCAR body mutation that makes the various stock-car models look as androgynous as Indy Cars or NHRA dragsters.

这是旧的"胜利日,出售星期一"格言消失每纳斯卡突变,使身体的各种股票车型看起来雌雄同体的印地汽车或全国改装高速汽车协会dragsters 。

In an amusing chapter entitled "L' poque des Duchesses", he recounts with relish the fancy-dress balls given by Count tienne de Beaumont, who "encouraged exhibitionism and transvestism" and "always managed to upstage his guests by appearing in one spectacularly androgynous costume after another, designed by himself."

在一个名为"公爵的时代(L' poque des Duchesses)"的有趣章节中,他津津乐道地叙述了艾蒂安纳·德·博蒙特伯爵举行的一场化装舞会,也就是这位伯爵鼓励了毕加索作品中的"裸露癖与异性装扮癖",他也总是穿着一件又一件由自己设计的引人入胜的两性服装,以设法无礼地对待他的客人。

Female inflorescences of 1-7 or more flowers subtended individually or collectively by a cupule formed from numerous fused bracts, arranged individually or in small groups along an axis or at base of an androgynous inflorescence or on a separate axis. Female flower: perianth 1-7 or more; pistil 1; ovary inferior, 3-6(-9)-loculed; style and carpels as many as locules; placentation axile; ovules 2 per locule. Fruit a nut. Seed usually solitary by abortion (but may be more than 1 in Castanea , Castanopsis , Fagus , and Formanodendron ), without endosperm; embryo large.

雌花序有1-7朵花或更多花,聚生一壳斗内,壳斗为多数苞片愈合而成,雌花花被1-7或更多;雌蕊1;子房下位,3-6室(-9);花柱、子房室和心皮同数中轴胎座每室2胚株果为一坚果种子通常单生(但是可能在Castanea,Castanopsis,Fagus 和Formanodendron里超过1个),没有胚乳;胚大。

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Androgynous Mind

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
