查询词典 analytic proposition
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Just as little is any fundamental proposition of pure geometry analytic.
All spinsters are unmarried is an analytic proposition.
The analysis includes three aspects:(1) The difficulty and reason of ultimate analysis's atomic hypothesis;(2) The difficulty and reason of analytic proposition's picture theory;(3) The difficulty between the proposition of Tractatus Logico-philosophicus itself and the anti-metaphysics proposition.
Analytic proposition: a proposition whose predicate concept is contained in its subject concept; e.g.,"All bachelors are unmarried," or, All bodies take up space.
" 分析命题:谓词概念包含于主词概念之中;例如,"所有单身都未婚"或"所有物体都占空间。
Problem consciousness and intellectual support consciousness of this text together are twisted together, it makes last proposition and analytic means of modern aesthetics, literature standard subject exist in the domain of " Zhang Ailing literature and modernity ".
Although it is not tautology of analytic proposition,it is a priori knowledge.So we can say Leibniz has putforwards the a priori synthetic proposition before Kant in an unclear way.
Analytic proposition: a proposition whose predicate concept is contained in its subject concept; e.g.,"All bachelors are unmarried," or, All bodies tak e up space.
" 分析命题:谓词概念包含于主词概念之中;例如,"所有单身都未婚"或"所有物体都占空间。
On the basis of investigating analytic proposition and synthetic proposition, the paper gives some comments on Quine's critique on distinction of the two propositions, illustrating that Quine's critique cannot deny their distinction and only show they are two typical fuzzy conceptions, so we should grasp the dialectical mechanism of their relative distinction and inter-permeation by fuzzy thinking methods.
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All spinsters are unmarried is an analytic proposition.
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