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与 analytic expression 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the cloning FeSOD gene of the HZNH, the recombinant prokaryotic expression vector, PQESOa/FeSOD, was constructed and digested with restriction endonuclease BamH I and Pst I to check its construction. The PQE30a/FeSOD was then transformed into E.coli Ml5 and induced with IPTG. The high expression in vitro was obtained and analyzed on SDS-PAGE gel. The*results showed that the target proteins held a 37% portion in whole bacterial proteins and consisted of two parts, the soluble proteins and inclusion bodies. The soluble proteins in the aqueous layer, checked by means of activities of FeSOD enzymes and analyzed by means of activities of isozymogram from PAGE, demonstrated the induced expression proteins had the active nature of FeSOD enzymes.

以克隆的特异种质烟草HZNH的FeSOD基因为基础,构建了原核表达载体PQE30a/FeSOD,经限制性内切酶BamH Ⅰ、Pst Ⅰ双酶切鉴定后,再转化入大肠杆菌M15中,通过IPTG诱导,得到高效体外表达,经SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测,表达的目的蛋白占总菌体蛋白的37%,可溶性和包涵体两种形式均有存在,上清中的可溶性蛋白经FeSOD酶活测定和同工酶活性谱带分析,表明诱导表达的上清中的目的蛋白为有活性的FeSOD酶。

The results are as follows: 37℃ is the most favorable temperature for induction expression of SUMO-hEGF in BL21, 5.0g/L the most best concentration of arabinose, and 4h the best time for induction expression. Meanwhile, the quantity of expression is around 20.2%. The conclusion that hEGF is the purified protein is verified by Western blotting. It is a good foundation for the development of hEGF genetic medicine.

结果表明: SUMO-hEGF在BL21中的最佳诱导表达温度为37℃、诱导剂阿拉伯糖的最佳浓度为5.0g/L、最佳诱导表达时间为4h,表达量约为20.2%;Western blot 分析证实,纯化后的蛋白是hEGF,为进一步开发hEGF基因工程药物奠定了基础。

Decreased expression of RIG-I in human hepatocellular carcinomaFirst, with tissue array, we analyzed the expression of RIG-I in HCC, and found that 90%(27/30) of para-tumor samples were positive for RIG-I expression, but only 20%(6/30) of HCC samples were RIG-I positive.


The complex alterations of gene expression underlie the development of malignant phenotype of lung squamous cell carcinoma and the Atlas cDNA expression array is a useful method for describing the expression profiles.


The differential expression profiles of 588 known genes were determined using Atlas human cDNA expression array. Fifteen genes were differentially expressed following the overexpression of BNIPL-1. Most of them were involved in cell proliferation or cell apoptosis. Furthermore, the differential expression result was confirmed by semiquantitative RT-PCR.

然后采用人Atlas cDNA expression array对新基因BNIPL-1在细胞内的下游调控事件进行了初步研究。588个已知基因中有15个的表达发生了改变,其中大部分是细胞生长和凋亡相关基因,半定量RT-PCR验证了杂交结果的可靠性。

To better understand the roles of LsrA protein in nodulation, a series of analyses of nodules using scanning electron microscopy, genetic and biochemical approaches have been carried out. Our analyses suggest that the lsrA1 nodules contain bacteroids in the invasion and establishing zone only. The lsrA gene expression is active early in the invasion zone and activated later than bacA genes. The lost of LsrA protein dramatically reduced the expression of nifA and fixK, and completely blocked the expression of the nifH gene for nitrogenase. LsrA protein functions early in the bacteroid development and it is essential for the development nitrogen fixing bacteroids.

前期的工作中,苜蓿中华根瘤菌Rm1021中90个候选LysR基因已经被定向插入突变,并筛选在自生生长时期、共生生长时期的表型,以期寻找更多在自生状态或共生固氮中有功能的LysR转录因子。1 针对前期鉴定出的共生固氮必需的lsrA基因,我们应用了一系列扫描电子显微镜技术、生物化学、分子遗传学等方法,发现lsrA基因主要在根瘤侵染区开始表达,表达时序也在侵染阶段左右,但晚于bacA基因表达;LsrA蛋白缺失后根瘤固氮区中缺乏具有固氮能力的类菌体,nifA和fixK基因的转录水平降低,nifH基因的转录被完全阻断,因此LsrA蛋白为根瘤发育所必需,是新的根瘤发育信号传导途径成员。2 通过表型筛选我们鉴定了苜蓿中华根瘤菌的oxyR基因,并研究了它的调节特性。oxyR突变后,苜蓿中华根瘤菌对过氧化氢敏感性提高,适应性降低。

The result showed that there was no expression in the normal control group and an apparent expression of ERK1/2 and Elk in the asthma group. A rather dense expressing of ERK1/2 was at bronchiole and mucous membrane, sub mucous membrane, smooth muscle, cytoplasm and nuclei of the out layer of the smooth muscle cell and an expression of positive fiber at submucous membrane.


Except for 2μmol/L Verapamil,other concentrations ofCAs and CaMAs could decrease mdr1 mRNA expression level of K562/VCRcells,indicating significant difference from those of control group(CAs:P<0.05;CaMAs:P<0.01),but the changes of mdr1 mRNA expression levelcaused by CaMAs had negative dose-responses relationship with CaMAsconcentration(P<0.05),while the changes of mdr1 mRNA expression levelinduced with CAs had no dose-responses relationship with the CAsconcentration.

除〓的Ver外,其它浓度的CAs和CaMAs均可降低K562/VCR细胞mdr1 mRNA表达水平,与对照组相比,存在着明显差异(CAs:P<0.05;CaMAs:P<0.01);并且CaMAs各浓度间引起的mdr1 mRNA表达水平的变化也存在着差异(P<0.05),呈负的量效关系,而CAs各浓度间引起的mdr1 mRNA表达水平的变化无明显差异。

Sequence structure of a cloned gene is an important factor to determine its expression level in E.coli. In this paper, we studied the expression of a fragement of HIV-1 gp120 gene and a fragement of choler toxin A subunit gene in E.coli using a new expression strategyoptimizing the gene sequence as a whole.

外源基因的序列结构是影响外源基因在大肠杆菌中表达的重要因素,我们采用基于"外源基因全序列结构优化"的新的表达策略,研究了HIV-1 gp120-801和霍乱毒素A亚单位(CTA-246)基因在大肠杆菌中的表达情况。

The expression level of metabolitic enzyme (CYP1A1, CYP1B1) and its correlation with cell differentiation /apoptosis were studied as well. The influence of resveratrol in cell cycle was determined with FCM. Results 1 Resveratrol not only suppresses the growth of medulloblastoma cells in a dose and time related fashion but also induces cell differentiation and apoptosis. Resveratrol promotes differention of UW228-1,-2 cells to forward glia, UW228-3 and Med-3 cells to neuron. A treatment of resveratrol in the concentration of 100μM for 48hrs comit most of cells die of apoptosis. 2 Among the four cell lines Fas and Caspase-3 were constantly expessed, whereas FasL was absent irrespective to the drug treatment. 3 ICC, RT-PCR, Western-blot hybridization and EROD enzymatic activity assay demonstrated that expression of CYP1A1 is different after treatment with resveratrol in four cell lines, up-regulated in three UW228 cell lines in a dose dependent manner but down-regulated in Med-3 cells. Suppressive effect of resveratrol on CYP1B1 expression is the same among four medulloblatoma cell lines. 4 Cell cycle distribution of UW228-3 was greatly changed after treatment.


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"Ok!" He cried "My body will soon be moistened again, just like before."


She is very responsible for a six-year-old.


According to Consumer Reports, though, if you feed them some of these cereals, you're doing just that.
