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analysis of relationship相关的网络例句

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与 analysis of relationship 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The reflection of RAPD cluster to the genetic relationship of all the species showed that RAPD was suitable for analysis of interspecific genetic relationship in Cycas.


The first is a discussion of "anxiety" and "depressing memory" from the level of psychology, spirit and culture, which are regarded as both obstacle and impetus of self-identity. Next is self-identity's image cast upon intimate relationship, that is, Electra complex, Oedipus complex, homosexuality and heterosexuality among women. The last is an analysis of narcissism that is the source and result of the above intimate relationship, which from individual narcissism to a age's or cultural narcissism, that is from sub-consciousness to historic scene, directly results in the plight of women writers and their writings.


So, establishing the evaluation and framework of Regional indigenous innovation capability and analyzing the relationship between the formal measurement and other regional development quality is becoming an important and practical task. A conceptual model of regional indigenous innovation capability is set up based on the all kinds of capability development theory from macro perspective and focusing on reform and open policy in China. Through the concrete evaluation of regional indigenous innovation capability, we propose the research hypothesis of relationship between regional economic development quality and regional indigenous innovation capability. In reference of new development theory, the measurable analysis model is set up to further multi-level demonstration and draws corresponding conclusion and policy.


By means of regression analysis, the relationship between the natural logarithm of activity coeifficient and Sb content of the alloys at the temperatures ranging from 923 to 1123 K was obtained, and the relationship between lnγSn and XSb also deduced according to Gibbs-Duhem equation.


Yellow-throated marten\'s relationship is between Stone marten and Fisher marten.Fisher marten is the first species who was divided from Martes.The second one were Yellow-throated marten and Stone marten.Based on the analysis of the fossil note,Martes came from Central Europe,Fisher marten,Yellow-throated marten and Stone marten belonged to a branch which evolved to temperate zone.Boreal forest martens was another branch which evolved to cold environment.It is suggested that Yellow-throated marten and Fisher martenwere ascertained genus separately.4、By contrasting and analyzing 11 complete mitochondrial control region gene sequences of Mustelidae,the extended termination associated sequence domain、the central domain and the conserved sequence block domain were identified.A extended termination associated sequence(ETAS1) and eight conserved sequence(CSB-F、E、D、C、B、1、2、3) was indicated,and sequence mode was presented.Different kind of short repeat sequences were found between CSB1 and CSB2.With wolf as the outgroup,the phylogenetic evolution relationship of Mustelidae was analyzed using the neighbor-joining method.

而基于鼬亚科动物线粒体DNA12种重链编码蛋白基因序列及石貂和渔貂线粒体ND2和cyt b全序列,以狼、狗獾和水獭为外类群,应用NJ、MP和ML法构分别构建貂属和貂熊的系统进化树,结果表明:紫貂与日本貂亲缘关系较美洲貂近,石貂与真貂亚属亲缘关系较近,黄喉貂介于石貂和渔貂之间;渔貂是最早从貂属分化出的种类,其次是黄喉貂和石貂;结合化石记录分析,貂属起源于中欧地区,渔貂、黄喉貂和石貂属于一个向温带进化的分支,而真貂亚属为另外一个向寒冷环境进化的分支,建议将黄喉貂和渔貂分别定为单独的属。4、比对并分析11种鼬科动物线粒体DNA控制区序列,识别出延长终止序列区、中央区和保守序列区3个区域,指出了一个终止相关序列ETAS1及8个保守序列(CSB-F、E、D、C、B、1、2和3),并给出了序列通式,在CSB1和CSB2之间发现具有不同形式的短串联重复序列。

Based on the analysis of the sociological theories in thewestern countries,this chapter arrives at the conclusionthat the opposition as shown in social interests is thesocial interests is conflict determines the chane in thepenalty-crime relationship,that the conflict of interests inby nature the conflict of regulations and rules,and that thesocial function of the penalty-crime relationship is theassimilation of regulations and rules.


According to the variation in the components of intermediateacid igneous rocks coming from the lower crust, it is possible to restrain the depth of the source area and the minimum thickness of the crust, and thus to provide important information for the study of the deep process of the continental intraplate mineralizationGlobally, many world level porphyry copper deposits and metallogenic systems formed by hypabyssal hot liquid have their close relationship with the synchronous adakite in spacetime and genesis; domestically, the adakitelike rocks have been identified to be related to the metallogenesis in the main metallogenic areas in ChinaThe recognition of adakitelike rocks having no relationship with the process of subduction makes it possible to construct a metallogenic model of continental intraplate porphyry metal deposits by combining other geological evidences, and this model is totally different from the metallogenic model of porphyry copper deposits with Bsubduction setting constructed by Sillitoe (1972)The existence of adakitelike rocks may be the necessary condition but not the sufficient one for forming the largescale porphyry deposits and the hypabyssal hotliquid deposits, whose metallogenic elements mainly came from the mantleThe metallogenic potential of adakitelike rocks is achieved by the entering of the mantle material, and the metallogenic specialization of adakitelike rocks is decided by the distribution characteristics of the metallogenic elements in the upper mantleAn important reason for the adakitelike magma related to subduction being advantageous to mineralization is that there were abundant high pressure and high temperature liquid coming from the subducted platepieces and the magma of high fO2 coming from the melting of subducted platepiecesHowever, for those adakitelike rocks, whose occurrence has continental plate background but does not relate to the subduction, their metallogenic mechanism is not clear yetBased on the concept of modern mineral exploration and combined with the analysis of integrated geological information, we may better realize the practical prospecting significance of the adakitelike rocks


After the analysis of the status quo of the English translation of "bu" phrase; the semantic relationship between tonify, benefit, supplement, replenish and invigorate; and the logical relationship between the elements connected by "and" and "for", we propose some suggestions for the English translation of " bu " phrase.


Based on the theory of eclectic paradigm of internationalproduction and the analysis of indispensable conditions for investment, this paper indicatesCNOOC's advantages in foreign direct investment. Making use of the method of combiningtheories with physical, combining investment cases of SINOPEC, CNPC and ONGC, upon theanalysis of process and pace relationship in oversea expansion, investment mode, investmentlocation, investment domain, capital source and capital form, it suggests the issues those shouldbe taken into account for investment strategy, including recognizing the relationship betweenreward and development pace, the priority in investment mode selecting, pluralizing of oil sourcesupply, upstream business investment philosophy, all forms of financing channels, and theproportion of non-fund capital in investment capital forms.

最后运用理论与实际相结合的方法,结合中石油、中石化以及印度石油天然气总公司的投资案例,从海外发展的进程与速度、投资方式、投资区位、投资领域、资本来源以及投资出资物等 6 个方面进行分析,提出中海油今后在确定投资战略时应该注重以下几个问题:要重视发展速度与效益的关系;在三种投资方式中,首先考虑通过收购优良资产获得油气储量,其次要与国际大公司合作进行风险勘探,最后要谨慎对待公司并购;选择投资区域时,首先要巩固现有的亚洲资产,其次要重视对其他地区的研究与尝试,实现油源供应的多元化;对海外的投资要长期致力于上游领域;融资方式要多元化;要注重除资金外其他的资本形式在投资出资物中的比重。

Study: the first day: ceramic perm on the theory and analysis of the principles of ceramic perm hair physi sign Pi and mathematics, made a single film roll with the law, made into bars at the end of the display, three bars into technology, into the bars of the nine changes in the bar when the bar into the core of the film made with the point of view, the core of the ring a few bars And calculation of the perm and the relationship between the separation and shape the relationship between the perm, hair texture and appearance to the effect, the geometric shapes scald Division


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
