英语人>网络例句>amount of information 相关的网络例句
amount of information相关的网络例句

查询词典 amount of information

与 amount of information 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Both the amount of medical information and the gap between its suppliers and demanders keep increasing.


"I have examined a file of each of the newspapers published in Chelmsford and Colchester," continued Robert, without replying to my lady's last observation, and I find in one of the Colchester papers, dated July the 2nd, 1857, a brief paragraph among numerous miscellaneous scraps of information copied from other newspapers, to the effect that a Mr. George Talboys, an English gentleman, had arrived at Sydney from the gold-fields, carrying with him nuggets and gold-dust to the amount of twenty thousand pounds, and that he had realised his property and sailed for Liverpool in the fast-sailing clipper Arqus.


After looking up a large amount of native and foreign information, the materials used in the experiment were as follows: PTFE base, graphite filler, molybdenum disulfide filler, copper powder filler, carbon fiber and so on. The experimental method is that the formula was designed according to uniform experimental method, the relationship between formula and frictional property was found with spline function and then the representative test points were chosen from fitting curve to make verification test for optimization.


"At this stage I can neither confirm nor deny the reports," Gaillard told Sportsmail."There has to be a certain amount of confidentiality with these things because we could risk a source of information drying up."


Many water basins are managed without any information on precipitation, run-off, amount of water at the ground water table.


Secondly, QiuYiNong promoted its products through serching engines, blogs and E-mails, at the same time established amount of key words like plaid shirt, business shirts, business suit, iron-free shirt, combining with network Ads, spreading the information of Qiu's products through the net.


The chapter two, namely the essential condition of engineering cost management of domestic and foreign countries, separately analyzes the basic domestic engineering cost management condition, the basic domestic railway engineering cost management condition and the foreign basic engineering cost management condition according to large amount of relative domestic and foreign data and information, and point out the main problem in the current railway engineering cost making system.


The position sensors on the rollers provide information related to the amount of strained web material that has been added and subtracted from the web material present in the tension zone.


Under business card printing and membership card making image surface of quality information to adjust the amount of ink.


Over the years, instrumentation, and wire and cable products market share among the best in the industry, has Qinshan, Yangzi Petrochemical, Yanshan Petrochemical, Jinshan petrochemical, Shengli Oilfield, Huaneng Power Plant, Nakagawa airport, the Yellow River Diversion Project, the Beijing-Kowloon Railway National key projects such as the provision of a large number of products and services, and export to Vietnam Xiefu Power Station, Thailand "PTA" power plants, refineries¤Mucius, Arak plant, chemical plant in Bangladesh, Indonesia, such as caustic soda plant abroad focus on engineering, optical fiber and cable products has made the State Administration of Radio, the General Staff Headquarters, Ministry of Information Industry and China Unicom's network post-qualification certificates and short-listed for the radio and television, railway, telecommunications, Unicom, military communications, Netcom, etc. and trunk level Extension to provide a large amount of network quality, but also for many users with network planning and design, installation and commissioning services.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
