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与 amalgamative 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This academy sheds motivation to monitor appearance to detect with blood of impedance type heart patient of coronary heart disease 186, evaluate its heart function, report result analysis as follows now. 1.1 average data choose 1 data and method 2007 patient of 1~5 month be in hospital 186, male 91, female 95, age 41~89 year old, all be patient of coronary heart disease, among them instability angina patient 49, dead patient of stalk of acute cardiac muscle 24, amalgamative hypertension is ill 66, amalgamative diabetic 17, amalgamative heart function is not complete class of Ⅱ~Ⅲ person 30. The BioZ.com blood that 1.2 methods and measure choose company of American CardioDyamics international to produce is kinetic tutelar appearance, entire case all is be admitted to hospital that day or morrow detects, 25 patients treat 1 week hind to check again.


Will nurse now the introduction is as follows. 1 clinical data this group patient of 58 tuberculosis big haemoptysis, male 38, female 20; age 20 years old of ~75 year old; haemoptysis all exceeds 500mL inside quantity 24h, 10 when exceed 800mL among them, 5 of shock of amalgamative and exsanguine sex, 3 when amalgamative haemoptysis chokes. 58 ill average per capita live in the rescue room of my division, rescue is indoor set major to protect personnel especially, 24h is on duty, did not accompany protect, via be treated actively and nursing, all ill average per capita gets controlling in the 1 haemoptysis inside week. 2 nurse 2.1 after doing good rescue to prepare be in hospital of patient of phthisical big haemoptysis, all arrange in rescue room, interior equipment good oxygen, attract implement, appearance of custody of report of bag of tracheal spile, tracheal incision, heart, synchronous lung ventilator, except quiver the rescue equipment such as appearance and relevant rescue medicines and chemical reagents, if appear,choke wait for critical condition, in order to facilitate rescue. Rescue of 2.2 environments requirement is indoor should maintain air fresh, temperature is appropriate, keep quiet and eliminate all sorts of undesirable stimulation, avoid family member visit, reduce air pollution and alternate infection.


Of these two companies amalgamative, be two very significant groups is amalgamative.


Sum up as follows now. This group uses 1 clinical data ancon vein is pressed determine heart function of the patient 44, male 24, female 20; age 46 years old of ~79 year old, average 56 years old of; classification by function of new York heart, heart failure Ⅲ spends 6,Ⅱ spends 23,Ⅰ spends 15; right heart failure 31, complete heart failure heart disease of sex of source of 13; lung 14, hypertensive heart disease 8, coronary heart disease 5 (among them acute cardiac muscle straightens dead 2), outspread sex cardiac muscle is ill 7, rheumatism sex heart disease 4, hypertensive heart disease is amalgamative coronary heart disease 3, be short of disease of cardiac muscle of courage and uprightness 2, congenital heart disease 1. 2 detect 2.1 equipment treat the method dish 1, l measure press glass to be in charge of 1 (long 30cm, internal diameter 4mm), also can use measure a head to press a canal to replace, 10mL injector 1, 12500U heparin fluid 1. 2.2 operations patient is taken smooth lie, make be exhibited outside the upper arm show ° of 45 °~60 with trunk, and difficulty breathes like the patient in same horizontal; with right atrium, desirable lie partly, arm height is equivalent to the 2nd costal region.


The teacher's daily and professional life and the professional development were an amalgamative, unified process, but not a splitting, antithetic one.


The purpose is discussed achieve bazoo via notting have cover double standard is being pressed aerate (pneumoconiosis of industry of BiPAP) cure coal is amalgamative the curative effect in breathing exhaustion.

概要: 目的探索经无创鼻罩双水平正压通气治疗煤工尘肺合并呼吸衰竭中的疗效。

The strategy of Boeing company is to pass a series of buy with amalgamative will come true.


210 Mao Xi random cent is bronchitic little patient remedial group and contrast group, remedial group 100, contrast group 110, two groups all give disease-resistant poison, smooth asthma, when sucking acid of oxygen, composed, correct, amalgamative infection, add wait for comprehensive treatment with antibiotic.


Standardization of characteristic of behavior of part of the preparation that can adopt individual mentality, provision, part is amalgamative law of commutation of position of law, part, press the part its importance has the statified, skill that acts a part in be used to of life middle school, transition that holds the method such as certain ceremony to implement a part.


The rational nutritive cure can improve the nutritive status of the patient and advance the concrescence of the fistula, and play an important affection in the drop of the amalgamative symptom and the death rate.


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Green function defined inphase space differs from one in coordinate space by its struc-ture which exhibits nonlocatity in coordinates and oscillatorybehavior with respect to momenta.


The upper front part of a saddle;a saddlebow.


The fame thing I don't like.
