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与 always 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Haha, that is the stars, it is always exudes a weak light, but it is always people feel warm."


Because always likes fantasizing, own always have


I try to dribble the opponents, to make feints, but I'm always stopped from behind… The derby will always be a hard game, but also an extraordinary challenge.


But, in imperfect historical phases of human society, enlightenment is always limited and aesthetic is always distorted. In early 20 century, it was interior and exterior difficult position in China and consistent worrying mentality of literary intellectuals that made enlightenment limited as a movement of changing national character. Collaborating with ignorance in traditional literature, aesthetic was feudalized and degenerated national character.


I always type without consideration,as I always use woman rather than girl in short message,because after type in "wo" the "man" would followed,but it will cause more fusses to type "girl";so, why not?


"I never felt that there was anything really between Red and I," Jackson says. There was always that little,'You're on the other side of the fence' kind of jab that Red always gave me from the time I've been a player to even when I went to a Celtics game when I was coaching in the CBA for the Albany Patroons and I had a beard and he groused about,'Who let you in here with that beard?

禅师解释说:我从来不认为我和他之间真的有什么,是有那么一点点,微乎其微的,打从我还是球员时甚至到我执教 CBA 的 Albany Patroons 去观看凯尔特人的比赛时,他就总是放话讽刺'你不是跟我同个道上的',而我留了胡须,他又发牢骚了,'谁让你留着那玩意来这里的'。

It provides the only safe, romantic release from the severe Confucian classic restraint, and humanizes the very humanists themselves ; therefore when a Chinese succeeds, he is always a Confucianist, and when he fails, he is always a Taoist.


But he always walked with his shoulders hunched up And he always wore too small shoes.


Though this has not always been worked into set theories, it has always been there in our Easter hymns.


His thickset torso was supported by short sturdy legs, always incased in the finest leather boots procurable and always planted wide apart like a swaggering small boy's.


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Always Have, Always Will
C'est La Vie (Always 21)
I'll Always Be Right There
I Will Always Return
I Will Always Return (Finale)
You Will Always Be The Same
Always Have, Always Will
Always Have, Always Will
Always Leaving Always Gone

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
