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与 alteration 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The associations of altered minerals and intensity of alteration also change regularly in space. From deep to shallow levels of a lode, and with increased distance from the main ore-controlling structures, the total intensity of alteration decreased, rubification and afforestation (chloritzation, biotitization, and epidotization) got weaker and berecitization became more intense.


Glycogenesis alteration was probably related to alteration of hormone signal transduction system in hepatocyte membranes during different metabolic phases of sepsis.


The calculation of the elemental mass balance interprets by elemental calculation to explains the elementary activity law: the composition of alteration rock in the central of alteration belt has the largest degree of variation, a large number of permeability fluid carry active components into the dilation space, which has significance to the further enrichment of the ore-forming element and the remobilization of correlative elements.


According to logging results of 167 boreholes and chemical analyses of 24 369 samples as well as characteristics of element distribution at 4 000 m, 3 950 m and 3 900 m levels, the deposit is characterized by alteration, mineralization and element geochemistry of the porphyry. Alteration and mineralization are spatially and temporally related to the augen quartz phenocryst_bearing hornblendequartz diorite porphyrite (J3δομ).

根据167个勘探钻孔编录和化学分析(24369件化学分析样品)资料,以及对海拔4000 m、3950 m、3900 m水平面的Cu、Au、Ag、Mo、Mn、P b、Zn、W、K、Na、Ca、Rb元素分布规律的分析,显示矿体具有斑岩型矿床的蚀变、矿化以及元素地球化学特征,主要矿化和围岩蚀变在时间上和空间上均与含眼球状石英斑晶的角闪石英闪长玢岩(J3δομ)有关。

According to logging results of 167 boreholes and chemical analyses of 24 369 samples as well as characteristics of element distribution at 4000 m, 3950 m and 3900 m levels, the deposit is characterized by alteration, mineralization and element geochemistry of the porphyry. Alteration and mineralization are spatially and temporally related to the augen quartz phenocryst-bearing hornblende-quartz diorite porphyrite (J3δομ).


The relationship of ore-forming fluid salinity-aqueous cation lg demonstrated that water-rock reaction was also one of the potential gold deposition mechanisms besides mixing with meteoric water. All of these were consistent with that sericitization and pyritization hydrothermal alteration were extensively/intensively distributed (as high as 33%), gold grade linearly correlated with degree of alteration,∑REE depletion and δ〓O enrichment


The main ore_stage alterations related to hydrothermal fluids include ①early K_silicate alteration,②silicification,③ pyrite_sericite_quartz alteration and ④propylitization.


In this paper, the progresses acquired in the studies of natural analogy are summarized, including a comparison of structural properties, radiation damage and chemical composition between uraninite and UO2, combination and paragenesis of alteration products of uraninite, chemical composition of uraninite and its secondary phases, mobility of analogy elements in the process of uraninite alteration. In addition, the problems in next studies are pointed out, e. g., characterization of micro-structure of secondary uranium minerals, high-resolution analyses of trance elements distributed in original and secondary uranium minerals using laser microprobe analyzer, composition of underground water, simulation experiments.


The change of condenser steam flow field causes the changes of its heat transfer coefficient and the vapor lock,with the analysis on the change of the tube bundle arrangement with the alteration of the steam flow field,proposed the change scope of the correction factor of the arrangement of condenser tube bundle with the alteration of the condenser steam flow field.


From the original rock far away from the alteration zone to the central of the alteration zone, siliconization and potash feldspathization increase, manifesting as the generation of siliconization and potash feldspathization tension veinlet zone.


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Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
