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与 alteration 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 16 Where a land user that has obtained the right to use state-owned land through agreement-based assignment needs to change the purpose of land use stipulated in the assignment contract to business purposes, such as commerce, tourism, entertainment and commodity residence, etc., that user shall obtain the consent of the assigner and the department of urban planning of the people's government of the city or county, conclude the agreement on alteration of the contract on assignment of land use right or conclude a new contract on assignment of land use right, make up the corresponding assignment fee for land use right at the price on the land market at the time of alteration according to the changed purpose of land use, and make the alteration registration of land use right according to law.


Taking the plate tectonics as leading theories, combining outcrop, seismic techniques, drilling and logging datum, inter-verifing manifold researching methods, The paper has amply researched the region. discussed the coupling relation of basin-mountain and the geodynamics system; analyzed geologic tectonic characteristics of the basin; confirmed superposed alteration in Mesozoic of the basin; recompartmentalized tectonic units of the researching region and the basin; studied the tectonic evolution of the basin since Mesozoic; ascertained four large tectonic layers and five tectonic evolution process stages in different ways of formation and tectonic alteration; established different tectonic stages、compages、models and sedimentary filled processes, based on the organic geochemistry and oil-gas geologic characteristics in middle Cenozoic of the basin, the conclusions have been summarized in the paper, such as:The primary source rock in lower Permian and subordinate source rock in upper Triassic are developed in the region with better quality, and secondary hydrocarbon is possible; The bearing system which is comparted by three large tectonic layers and two unconformity surfaces formed in Palaeozoic、upper Palaeozoic to Triassic and Cenozoic developing in the region, compounded with reservoirs of different lithology is developed in the region, while the property of tectonic fracture reservoir is better; Based on the analyzing petroleum accumulation elements and preserving conditions, the deep depressing belt in the north of Luoyang depression、Shiling-Yiyang folded fault belt in Yiyang depression and wide anticline belt in Yichuan depression are advantageous petroliferous region, Zhaizhen anticline in Luoyang depression and Shimen wide anticline on footwall of overthrust in Yichuan depression are optimum tectonic traps.


The paper studies on the method of traffic volume alteration fitted for Hebei provincial highway network ,carries on the modeling of the selection of flux observation point in OD back-stepping technique by the upper limit of maximum possible relative errors and the minimization of constrained domain,improves the precision of traffic volume alteration.


Here I may add that the concept of alteration, and with it the concept of motion, as alteration of place, is possible only through and in the representation of time; and that if this representation were not an a priori intuition, no concept, no matter what it might be, could render comprehensible the possibility of an alteration, that is, of a combination of contradictorily opposed predicates in one and the same object, for instance, the being and the not-being of one and the same thing in one and the same place.


There are three categories of maturity indicators of organic matter in current petroleum industry to evaluate the degree of thermal evolution for source rocks, including: 1 optical indicators, i.e., vitrinite reflectance, bitumen reflectance, sporopollen color and thermal alteration index, conodont color alteration index, and reflectance of fossil fragments; 2 chemical indicators, i.e., the maximum temperature in pyrolysis of organic matter, methyl phenanthrene indicator, the atomic ratio of H/C, carbon isotope indicator, and biomarker indicators; 3 indicators of spectroscopy, i.e., the free radical concentration of kerogen, the average structural scale of aromatic nucleus of kerogen, and the laser-Raman spectrum of organic carbon.

摘 要:当前常用的有机质成熟度指标包括3大类:1 光学指标,包括镜质体反射率、沥青反射率、孢粉颜色、热变指数(thermal alteration index, TAI)、牙形石色变指数(color alteration index, CAI)和生物碎屑反射率;2 化学指标,包括有机质最大热解峰温度、甲基菲指数(methyl phenanthrene indicator, MPI)、H/C原子比值、碳同位素指标和生物标志物指标;3 谱学指标,包括干酪根的自由基浓度、干酪根芳核平均结构尺寸和有机碳激光拉曼光谱。

No obliteration, interlineation or other alteration made in any will after the execution thereof shall be valid or have any effect except so far as the words or effect of the will before such alteration shall not be apparent, unless the alteration shall be executed in the like manner as by this Act is required for the execution of the will.


The main types of the wall-rock alteration are silicification,potash-alteration,pyritization,sericitization,chloritization and carbonatization,of which the strong silicification,potash-alteration and pyritization are closely related to gold mineralization.


Chemical analyses of ores sampled from different elevation at the representative Zoujiashan uranium deposit indicate that Fe〓O〓, FeO, MgO and P〓O〓 increase evidently with depth which is related to alteration of haematite, chlorite and apatite, Na〓O and Na〓O+ K〓O also increase with depth, reaching a maximum of Na〓O at 911 meters below the surface, which suggests alkaline alteration increases downwards. At depth of 90 meters below sea level, where the boundary of the two cycles of the volcanic rocks is located, CaO reaches the maximum, representing maximum of alteration of fluorite.


Metallization occurred in rock alteration, the alteration types are silication, seritization, pyritization and carbonation etc. Rock alteration is a good criteria for ore prospecting.


There are three effects that may be important in producing this trend. First, lowtemperature oxidation preferentially affects the finer single-domain magnetites responsible for the Hopkinson peak, which is therefore suppressed in the more oxidized loams. Second, the possible production of uniaxial magnetite with shape anisotropy can also lead to a relatively muted Hopkinson peak. There is, additionally, a third alternative, and the one preferred here, that the natural alteration processes involved in pedogenic susceptibility enhancement have probably depleted the supply of ironbearing precursor phases, so that less new magnetite is formed on heating.


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Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
