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与 allium 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

E. Matteuccia struthiopteris Todaro, Aegopodium alpestre, Taraxacum mongolicum and Allium macrostemon in Dark Brown Forest Soil, using Na2SeO3 for fertilization, varying in application rate from Se 0.10 to 10.00 mg kg^(-1), directly into the top 15 cm soil layer.

硒肥种类为亚硒酸钠,施硒量为0.10~10.00mg kg^(-1),直接施肥范围为0~15cm表土。

Pedicels bracteolate at base; perianth pale purple to purple; ovary without concave nectaries at base

花梗具小苞片在基部;花被浅紫色的到紫色;没有凹陷蜜穴在基部的子房 47 ALLIUM eduardii 贺兰韭

Scape covered with leaf sheaths for ca. 1/2 its length; pedicels 2--4 × as long as perianth, bracteolate at base

大约1/2的其长度的Scape被叶鞘覆盖达;花梗2 --4 *倍于花被,具小苞片在基部 71 ALLIUM obliquum 高葶韭

Any of several plants of the genus Brodiaea having basal grasslike leaves and globose flower heads on leafless stems resembling those of genus Allium.


Pedicels ebracteolate; perianth pale red; ovary with concave nectaries at base covered by hoodlike projections

花梗无小苞片;花被淡红子房具凹陷蜜穴在基部被钩状突起覆盖 26 ALLIUM aciphyllum 针叶韭

Leaves usually not falcate; inner filaments not broadened at base

叶通常不镰刀形;内轮花丝不扩大在基部 75 ALLIUM blandum 白韭

Leaves falcate; perianth white; ovary without concave nectaries at base

叶镰刀形;花被白色没有凹陷蜜穴在基部的子房 76 ALLIUM phariense 帕里韭

Leaves 3--5-angled in cross section, fistulose; scape lateral; base of inner filaments 1-toothed on each side

叶3 --具5个角在横断面上,中空;花葶侧生内轮花丝1齿在每边的基部 108 ALLIUM chinense 头

Leaves triangular, abaxially keeled, fistulose; perianth segments white, rarely pale red, usually with pale red midvein

三角形的叶,背面具脊,中空;白色,很少淡红的花被片,淡红中脉的通常具 33 ALLIUM ramosum 野韭

Leaves abaxially keeled; ovary with concave nectaries at base covered by hoodlike projections

叶背面龙骨状;子房具凹陷蜜穴在基部被钩状突起覆盖 65 ALLIUM taishanense 泰山韭

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