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与 allium 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

" Garlic: Bulbous perennial plant of the lily family, native to central Asia and growing wild in Italy and southern France."

蒜:百合科多年生植物,学名Allium sativum。原产亚洲,在意大利和法国南部也广泛种植。

Any of numerous,usually bulbous plants of the genus Allium in the lily family,having long stalk s bearing clusters of variously colored flowers and including many ornamental and food plants,such as onions,leeks,chives,garlic,and shallots.


Any of numerous,usually bulbous plants of the genus Allium in the lily family,having long stalks bearing clusters of variously colored flowers and including many ornamental and food plants,such as onions, leek s,chives,garlic,and shallots.


Crops of Brassica napus L., Linum usitatissmum L., Allium fistulosum L. and Lens culinaris Medic. were irradiated by 80 MeV/u 12C6+ ion beams with doses of 30, 90 and 180 Gy. The germination rates and heights of seedlings of M1 and M2 generation of these four plants were studied.

以能量为80 MeV/u的12C6+离子为诱变源辐照油菜、胡麻、大葱和兵豆的干种子后,研究了不同剂量处理对4种农作物M1和M2代种子出苗率及幼苗生长的影响。

Crops of Brassica napus L., Linum usitatissmum L., Allium fistulosum L. and Lens culinaris Medic. were irradiated by 80 MeV/u 12C(superscript 6+) ion beams with doses of 30, 90 and 180 Gy. The germination rates and heights of seedlings of M1 and M2 generation of these four plants were studied.

以能量为80MeV/u的12C(上标 6+)离子为诱变源辐照油菜、胡麻、大葱和兵豆的干种子后,研究了不同剂量处理对4种农作物M1和M2代种子出苗率及幼苗生长的影响。

The pathogen grew well on the media using glucose, sucrose, fructose, maltose, rhamnose or soluble starch as carbon sources. Galactose, xylose, mannite or sorbose was not beneficial for the growth of the pathogen, however. The media with only organic or inorganic nitrogen sources were not suitable for the pathogen growth although organic nitrogen sources were better than inorganic nitrogen sources. The pathogen could also infect Allium cepa L., A. fistulosum L. and A. odorum L. under artificial inoculation conditions.


Ovary with longitudinally convex nectaries along septa; nectary pit at ovary base open

沿着隔膜的纵向的子房具突起的蜜腺;在卵巢基础的蜜槽张开 90 ALLIUM subtilissimum 蜜囊韭

Perianth segments with red, slender midvein or without midvein; stigma punctiform

有红,细长中脉或者没有中脉的花被片;柱头点状 36 ALLIUM lineare 北韭

Leaves broadly linear to linear-lanceolate, 5--23 mm wide; spathe with a long beak sometimes to 7 cm; perianth white

叶宽线形到线状披针形,5-23毫米宽;有时的有一个长喙的佛焰苞到7厘米;花被白色 29 ALLIUM paepalanthoides 天蒜

The results of toxicity experiments showed that R32 would not cause acute, chronic, cumulative and genetical toxicity effect on algae, Allium cepa, Zebra, fish and mice before it absorbed Cr. The recovery and sterilization measurement in routine water treatment could reduce most of the R32 in effluent. This may ensure that the effluent would not cause any ill effect on all kinds of biology in the environment after it was discharged into the river.


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